Chapter Two - The New Guy

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I yawned and stretched out across the legs of my pack mates, my head resting rather un-snugly on my backpack. Books and a pencil-case wrapped in the scratchy material a backpack was made of never made for the best of pillows, but in times of struggle, one had to make do. Granted, this was no such time, as we – myself, Jalex, and Sunny, had a free period before lunch break, while Thor had one more class. Following lunch, we had mentor class for about an hour, followed by one more lesson, and then we were free. Wednesdays were the best days for that reason; our class schedule 'allowing' us freedom felt so much better than having unlimited freedom in our unlimited lifespan. Controlled chaos was nice. Sometimes.

"I'm so tired." I muttered, more to myself than the other two. I turned onto my side to stare at the nearly empty plaza – most other people with free time spent it outside, in the cafeteria, or the senior lounge – before sitting up and relieving my friends of the burden of my legs. Sitting up, I brushed the dust off my shirt that clung to me from the faux-leather seat I had been lying on. Jalex and Sunny were sharing another one of the flat fake-leather seats, which was pushed against the wall to provide them with a back rest. Sunny was peacefully reading some manga on her ipad, with Jalex typing away on her phone, likely chatting with some of the other students in our year that she was friendly with.

"Then go back to sleep, lazy-ass alpha." Jalex replied without looking up. I rolled my eyes and crossed my legs, now also resting against the wall beside the other two.

"I can't believe I still haven't seen Annabelle today. Of all the people I need to talk to, this one just evades me all day." I felt annoyed, at this point, by Annabelle. Why on earth would she force the others to promise not to tell me about the new guy? Did she truly see me, and all my 'average appearance made up for with sparkling personality' as a threat? After all this time I would have thought that she'd think better of me. I wasn't interested in going after any guys anyways. I was content being myself, and in being the Alpha of my rag-tag crew. One strong independent demi-god warlock werewolf, who didn't need no man to make them whole. Or so it goes, I imagine. Maybe she was worried that the supernatural male would go for me because of my power? That would not be a new one, I realised, but shook it off. Most people realised pretty quickly that a demi-god with 'wish magic' who didn't have very good control of her own power would not make for a fitting mate and mother of their children. And besides, most who went for power, also wanted beauty. And let's face it, the form that came most naturally to me, was simply not beautiful in any which way. I was short, edging towards chub with my slightly rounder features – I wasn't very chubby by any means, but I also was not thin – with tan features which would look great if it weren't for the irregular patches of skin that went from my normal brown to pale, and with plain brown eyes and boring black hair. All in all, definitely not a thing of beauty, no great force of attraction, just as I myself felt no attraction to the humans I was surrounded with. So why Annabelle had been so dead set on hiding this new blondie from me, I could not fathom. Besides, did she not know that our shared pack mates would naturally defer to their Alpha – read as; give in to their desire to gossip – and tell me anyways? What an annoying vampire she could be sometimes. I would never understand what went on in her mind.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it, then proceeded to flick between the screens that held my regular apps and games, bored out of my mind and unwilling to play any of my downloaded entertainment. What to do, what to do.

My mind wandered to the new guy, the fella who was somehow allowed to transfer into the school in the middle of the year. I had also not seen him all day. Most likely we shared little to none of our classes; I was of the more creative persuasion, taking lessons like Art and English, maybe he was more academic? Although that would be a laugh, a supernatural being with a PhD. Not that it was impossible, after all, we had all the time we needed to get a doctorate, but most preferred not to be so far above radar.

A Pack of Misfitsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें