Chapter Eight - A Day without Loki

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Annabelle walked into school, her blond hair flowing over her shoulders, black wedge heels striding confidently across linoleum wood. Her legs were wrapped tightly in a black pencil skirt, and a light pink shirt with a low-cut front adorned her torso. Makeup covered her face, her eyelashes black and stiff with mascara, her lips plumped and shiny and pink, covered in a clean polish of lip-gloss.

As soon as she entered the plaza, her light blue eyes scanned the area like a predator searching the herd for a prime target. She frowned when her gaze did not find the person she wanted to see. Annabelle almost felt anger but calmed herself with the knowledge that she would see him at some point during the day – after all, the school building may have been big, but it was not that big. Not big enough that Fenrir Silvermoon could hide from the vampire and her vampiric allure all day long.

Artemis came up beside her. "Yo, Annabelle, I'm going to find Sunny and Thor, I didn't see them walk in. I'll see you and Jalex later, ok?"

"As if!" Jalex yelled at Artemis as she walked away. The werewolf quickly followed, and as they both walked back out of the building, Annabelle heard Jalex mutter something and laugh. "Like I would miss this for any amount of money!"

Annabelle smiled, amused at the childish antics of the young werewolf. Sometimes her over-enthusiasm for slash and fanfiction and shipping was too much for the blond vampire, but Jalex made up for it with her generally likable personality. Annabelle smirked. At least finding her prey would be easiest on her own – no other female distractions.

The cunning vampire may have looked like an air-headed girl who only knew how to strut in heels and slap on winged-eyeliner, but the undead woman had lived a long time, and she had never been a fool. Looking like she knew nothing was just part of her mask, hiding beneath it the true monster of the night that she was.

She had a plan of approach, for how she was going to get Fenrir. Why did she want him so badly? It was quite simple, really; because he was the most attractive man she had seen in her unnaturally long life, and on top of that he was part werewolf, someone who could give her more than any human man could, and a perfect mate. She could sense that he had more simmering beneath the surface of bright blue eyes and golden hair, and she burned with desire to pull apart his seductive and confident skin and unveil what lay beneath for her eyes, and her eyes only. She licked her lips at the thought, and quickly covered her mouth and cheeks, hiding her faint blush. Oh, Fenrir would be the lover of a lifetime, and hopefully a partner for a lifetime, or at least until the vampire got tired of him – not all relationships lasted forever, after all. Not that she would mind a relationship with that feral creature of a werewolf though. She could only imagine what Fenrir was like in more carnal activities, and something about his scent told her that he quite enjoyed interactions with the 'more gentle sex'.

This is where her plan came in. Annabelle was quite confident in her physical appearance – she was a vampire, after all. She could barely gain weight, had powerful limbs, and pale, near flawless skin – in her opinion, of course. Her blond hair was straight and soft to the touch, like silk, and she had striking blue grey eyes and a 'gorgeous bod' – again, in her opinion, of course. The vampire was quite attractive, but unfortunately for her, since the events of last night, Thor was officially far beyond any levels of good-looking anyone in the pack house could attain without even more magic.

But back to the plan. It was quite simple. As the lunar eclipse had just passed, and Annabelle had just experienced a heat in the same way a werewolf would, her natural scent had changed, and for a brief while her body would still be releasing different pheromones; pheromones that screamed 'I'm here and my body is prepared'. While no normal human guy – or girl – would be able to pick up on that scent, a creature with the senses of a wolf would for sure. And, well, wasn't it just her luck that Fenrir was exactly such a creature.

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