Author's Note

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Soooo the story is noted as Young Adult but I don't really know what it would qualify as, since when I was a young adult I wanted to use a lot of kind of dark themes for shock value. I'm not going to be removing all of them, but then again I'm also not going to be using the shock value since I'm going for a far more comedic, satirical Mary-Sue story. 

This AN is just to forewarn my dear readers of possible dark and/or triggering themes such as; 

Non-con, werewolf typical stalking, bullying, homophobic language (brief slurs from a Highschool asshole), strong language, just some stuff like that. 

All characters, while they used to be fantasy depictions of real people, no longer have anything to do with reality and are solely images of my own imagination. While descriptions remain the same, all characters have no connection to real people or events. 

But yeah, that is also just about it, and the first book isn't super duper dark, and as I said, I'm rewriting the wishfulfillment story of a lonely teenager to be funny in the eyes of who I have become in the present. 

So yayyyy comedy! Hope we'll have a good time \\(^. ^)\\

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