chapter 10

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Eren p.o.v.

Another day went by. Same thing as usual; wake up, go to school, survive that torturous hell, and get home. That's where I am now.

Home, finally.

The week was over, today was friday, and it was almost over. Of course, me and my forever alone self wasn't doing anything with anybody.

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling and tracing little patterns on the wall in my head. I decide I should watch some anime and catch up on the ones I haven't finished yet. I grab my dad's laptop that's technically mine just like everything else in this house and bring up Youtube.

Once it loaded and finished doing whatever it had to for me to type, I typed in 'Ghost Hunt Episode 9.' Yeah. I'm really behind on this one.

~time skip~

I shut the laptop after turning it off and setting it to the side. I had just finished the series 'Ghost Hunt ' which I totally didn't binge watch the rest of it. I had been into Ghost Hunt for a while, I finally just now finished it though and I am not happy with a few things.

I glance over at my clock to see that the time is 8:47pm. I had spent a while finishing my show up. Just then my stomach rumbled and I realize I didn't eat at all over the time span of watching that.

What a surprise.

I head downstairs to get some food. Opening the refrigerator and staring inside, my eyes skim contents and land on some seafood salad.

I make a seafood salad sandwich, because those are fucking amazing and sit at the table for a change as I eat the meal.

Getting up and grabbing the gallon of milk, I pour some into my favorite cup; the red cup. It wasn't just any cup, it was /the red cup/. To be entirely honest, I don't know why I like it so much, but I do and so does my dad. We always have little arguments on who gets to use it.

We're so childish.

Once I was finish drinking my milk and eating my meal I head back upstairs to do whatever would entertain me for the rest of my evening.

Throwing myself onto my bed, I feel my phone slightly vibrate. It does that to alert me I've had a notification for a while and haven't looked at it.

I pick the phone up, unlocking it without any thought and begin to click on the messages button, seeing that that was where the notification was, and I see the name of who texted me.


And again, that weird feeling comes back, what the hell. I'm sick of whatever this is. Is this what Mikasa means, that I like Levi because I get this feeling in my stomach every time I think of him, or see his name? I'm just happy. It's nothing more then that.

I read the message.

Levi: Hey brat, wanna hang out?

At this time? It was already nine. Isn't it a bit late?

Me: You do know the time, right? It's a bit late.

Levi: Yes, I do have a clock.

Man, no need to be salty.

Me: Well, alright I guess, I have nothing better to do. Where do you want to hang out? I don't know who would be open at this time.

Without a wait, my phone buzzed again.

Levi: I was wondering, maybe your house? Since, you know it's late and like you said, places are probably all closed.

I guess I love you | Eren X LeviWhere stories live. Discover now