chapter 4

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Here you go guys!
Eren p.o.v.

I wake up to that god awful noise called an alarm clock. Here we go, another day at this hell. Except, today, I feel excited to get it done with. I mean I always am excited to get it over with but today is different.

I do my usual morning routine of getting dressed, doing my hair and brushing my teeth and such, then eating a small breakfast consisted of microwavable oatmeal and some strawberries.

Once finishing my tiny meal, I grab my bag and keys and head out to my silver WRX. Once I put the keys in the ignition and turn it on, it roars to life. Sometimes I think my neighbors will get annoyed and complain of the loud noise it let's out, but then I think again...I don't necessarily care.

Once I'm finally at the school building, I head to first hour. Let the damn day begin.

Math is my least favorite out of all subjects, I absolutely hate math. But eh, I usually don't listen to the teacher anyways. If Mr.Eyebrows doesn't respect me, he's not getting shit in return.

While he's in the middle of his lesson, I'm in the middle of my thoughts. As I absent mindedly look around the room, my glance lands on one particular person. Levi. I honestly almost forgot that we are hanging out because stuff like this doesn't happen normally. That's probably due to me never talking to people like levi, so I'm not used to it. I hear a voice that pulls me away from my thoughts, and it's not a voice I particularly want to hear.

"Mr.Jeager? What is the answer?" Mr.Smith said. Oh no. I don't know which problem we're on. Shit. Everyone's eyes are on me. Even levi's.

I can feel myself panic and I scramble to a couple random pages, hoping I'll find where we're at.

"U-um, which problem are we on?" I ask, continuing to flip through the book frantically. Commander eyebrows looks at me in disgust, but finally answers my question.

"Problem 7-98, part b. Were you not paying attention." He said, throwing in a smirk with his last comment.

"N-no, I was. I just got...lost..." I replied to him, shaking, and then finally finding the problem. Everyone is still staring. God damn. The problem was 2(-3 x Z)=45 x -6z

I had to think, and fast.

"Is it z=-6.3" I said, mind I tell you, not confidently. It sounded more like a question to him more than a reply.  Mr.Smith looks quite shocked and a little disappointed as he reveals that I'm right.

"C-correct." He says. Ha! The bitch stuttered. I love proving his sorry ass wrong.

Everyone returned with facing the front and listening to the lesson, except one person which was still looking at me. It's levi and once our eyes lock he turns around in a swift motion, returning his attention to the board.

-time skip-

"I told you already Mikasa! I pay attention!" I somewhat yelled to her, trying not to be to loud but loud enough for my point to get through over the roar of students at lunch.

"Then what was I just saying. Hmm?" She replied with a smug look on her face. God, if only I actually listened. What was I even thinking about that was to important to listen to the one god damn bitch that will beat your ass up if you don't pay attention to her.

"You where uhhh..." I tried to think of am excuse quickly but my mind blanked.

By the glare she gave me, I knew I was in trouble.

"See! You don't ever listen to me! Why don't you save the day dreaming for another time." Mikasa said angrily.

"Well if it helps, I don't listen to any of my teachers either." I responded, trying to hold in my laughter. It's not like I have anything against her, it's just that I don't pay attention for shit.

She up and left the lunch table going god knows where. She'll get over it. As for Armin, he was laughing like it was the funniest thing he's ever seen.

And I joined in.

He may be fucking adorable but he's a manipulative little bitch who secretly controls everyone with his cuteness.

"Jesus christ that was hilarious!" I laugh some more. I know it was dissing myself as well but it pissed her off so it was worth it.

Calming down a bit he wiped away his tears and stopped.

God, I have the weirdest friends, the most dramatic, crazy, wildest friends. But I love them.
This chapter sucks lmao. And it's short af I'm sorry

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