Chapter 5 - Susie

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I gazed at the space Henry had left behind, feeling more than a little conflicted.

I wasn't sure what had just happened, or, for that matter, what I had wanted to happen, but I knew damn well that I needed to not be naked around my boss like that again unless I was sure!

"See you there." I whispered to the empty room.

How had I gone from sleeping deeply on the cloud like pillows and super soft sheets, to naked and blushing, staring at Henry? The moment the phone slipped from my grip, I hadn't even thought about the noise I made. Living alone, I had no one to worry about but myself usually.

Then his footsteps rushed towards me and everything felt like it was moving in slow motion as I tried desperately to disguise my lack of clothing. It wasn't like I normally wore anything to bed, but in my boss's house? Well it had felt a little scandalous slipping under the covers last night.

Coming face-to-face with him, naked as the day I was born, I was absolutely regretting my decision to put comfort over what was likely more socially acceptable.

Would my humiliation never end? Looking at where he had made his hasty exit, I realised he hadn't quite shut the door behind him and it left me with something of a conundrum. How was I supposed to close it when I was naked, and what if he came back along?

Eventually I managed to tug the tartan blanket up the bed and wrap it around myself tightly enough to survive the few steps it took to get close enough to the door that I could kick it closed.

My back pressed to the door, I could finally breathe again. Then I thought about Henry and just how good he had looked running in to my rescue wearing only navy pyjama bottoms. The way they had hung low on his waist revealing a set of washboard abs.

A little moan escaped me as heat pooled between my legs. I crossed them in an effort to pretend it wasn't happening, but the pressure didn't help. There was no denying, I had to get out of this house and back to a safe distance before anything happened that would ruin our ability to work together, forever.

Retrieving my clothes from around the room, I stacked them with the towels and peeked out into the hallway. No sign of Mr Tall Dark and Bossy. Re-wrapping the blanket around myself, I held it tightly closed with one hand and opened the door fully. When I was sure there were no sounds, I grabbed the stack of towels and clothes and half ran down the corridor to the bathroom.

With a final glance back at his closed bedroom door, I gave myself a mental shake and locked the door behind me.

I had never seen such a fancy bathroom. With the beautifully displayed shells and vases, it resembled a spa more than it did a home. A lady's shampoo and shower gel were balanced on the side of the bath and I smiled at how thoughtful that was.

Though another part of me wondered why he had them in the first place? Maybe he just liked to be prepared? Or maybe I wasn't the first woman to stay there? I knew which was more likely, but refused to accept it.

Making sure the towels were in reach, I stepped into the bath and switched on the water. The shower immediately burst into life, cascading down over my outstretched arm, and I gave it a moment to warm before stepping under it.

Taking a few deep breaths, I closed my eyes and almost immediately my mind was back in the moment Henry had burst into the room. It was tempting to turn the shower round to the coldest setting to sober myself up.

Had he really looked like he wanted me, or was it a trick of the light? Some half imagined moment my mind conjured up to get me flustered.

I groaned as I lathered my body in a shower gel that smelled like mangos. What shower gel did Henry use? Did he pick a mango one for in here because he liked the scent himself?

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