Chapter 15- Book Hunting

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Dream talking

Nightmare talking

Killer talking

Cross talking

Horror  talking

Dust talking

Ink talking

Error talking

"This means talking"

Nightmare's POV

"But why are you here?" Cross asked.

"Where here for your help." Dream said looking towards me.

"And why exactly do you expect us to help you?"

"It has to do with Error."

Now this is what caught my attention.

"Do you know where Error is?"


I then saw dream elbow blue. Then straighten his posture.

"We need your help to get Ink and Error out of the anti-void."

"What makes you think we can help?" Dust butted in.

"Because I know at least Nightmare can." Dream says with a looking into my eye sockets with a unreadable expression.


"Very well... I'll help."

Blueberries face immediately light up with a lot of disgusting positivity.

"THANKYOU!!!" Blue practically yelled.

'Yuck! Positivity, how sickening.'


I then looked over to the squad

"Everyone can continue with whatever the hell you were doing."

I then looked back over to where Blue and my bother were standing.

"You two can follow me."

I then start to my way past the stairs.

Halfway to my destination I realised that Cross was also following inbetween me and our visitors.

I slow my pace down slightly so my- I mean, Cross can catch up.

Cross was able to catch up and he's just beside me.

"You don't have to follow as well." I state in a low voice so only he can hear me.

"I know, I just didn't want you to be alone" he replied in a quiet whisper, with a cute smile toward me.

I then replied with a small smile and a quick nod.

Once we had finally made it to my destination.

In front of me was a rather large wooden door with patterns carved into it.

I then lean forward and open the huge door with a deafening creak.

Cross POV

'Holy crap! I knew this place was big but damn.'

I look out over the room Nighty had just opened the door to.

It is a huge library with shelves stacked to the top with books. There are a few old cushioned lounge chairs as well as a round table and a few chairs in the far right corner.

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