Risky Business

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(Post-war;Rose and Draco are about to be 22, so they just have Leo at this point; short little R&D moment that I had a dream about so I turned it into a one shot)



"Funny seeing you here." a familiar voice drew closer behind me as Hermione and I waited for the lifts in the lobby of the ministry. 

"Hey," I turned around quickly with a smile, accepting a hug and a peck on the cheek from my husband, "Was just going to pop up to your office before our meeting." 

"Meeting?" Ron questioned, giving Hermione the same hello. 

Blaise and Harry strolled up along as well, greeting us with smiles and hand in their pockets as we waited for the lift. 

"With the Work Safety and Regulations department," Hermione informed. 

"The what?" Blaise asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"The department that your partner is going to get reported to if he moves his hand any lower," I pursed my lips and turned my gaze directly to Draco, whose hand was lingering a little too low, given we were in the lobby of the bloody ministry. 

"Whoops," Draco smirked, moving his hand higher up. 

"We are working with the department head on getting some more work safety bills passed, and some new legislation about adding extended maternity and paternity leave. Some other things as well, but I won't bore you with the details." Hermione waved her hand just as the lift bell chimed and the doors began to open. 

"Paternity leave? That's a thing?" Harry questioned, sounding quite fond of the idea. 

"It is, in many workplaces all over the world, actually," I explained, "And it will be a thing in England now that we're here." 

Hermione smiled proudly and nodded once. I winked in return. 

"How long will this meeting run?" Ron asked, "Maybe we could all go for lunch afterwards." 

"That sounds good, actually. We should be done at around lunch time anyway." Hermione checked her watch, "Right, Rose?" 

"Mhm," I hummed in response, now very aware of the hand that was now on my ass now that we were in the privacy of the lift. The smirk on Draco's face surely gave it away. 

Cheeky bastard. 

"Draco and I actually have to take Leo to a healer's appointment for his vaccinations during lunch," I stated breezily, "I just remembered when I saw it on my calendar this morning. You remember, right, dear?" 

A flash of confusion appeared in Draco's expression, but he caught on quickly enough. It was hard for him to hide the smile I could see tipping up at the corners of his mouth. 

"Yeah, I just saw that this morning too," Draco nodded, playing along beautifully, "He hates the needles so we both have to be there so he doesn't have a full blown meltdown." 

Hermione and Ron shared a look, as Minnie wasn't fond of getting the jabs either, and was also prone to throwing a bit of a tantrum. 

"I don't think I ever cried while getting a jab." Blaise rubbed his chin in thought, "I went into the healer's office with the stance of a warrior and took the needles without shedding a tear." 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Are you forgetting that when I was having Leo, that one of the nurses recognized you as the kid that tried to knock the syringes out of the healer's hands whenever you went as a child?" I asked, raising both eyebrows as the others in the elevator started to crack up, "And your mother quite literally told us that, and I quote, 'it took nearly a whole quidditch team to hold him still long enough for the healer to jab him'" I put quotes around the words. 

"You know my mother loves to embellish her stories," Blaise waived me off. 

"Blaise, mate, the nurses remembered you more than a decade later. I think it's safe to say that the warrior facade was a figment of your imagination." Harry laughed, shaking his head. 

"Shut up, Potter." Blaise grumbled, leaning against the wall of the elevator and crossing his arms. 

"You little liar," I heard Draco drawl in my head, "What plans have you made for us for lunch then, hm?

I smiled to myself, "I was thinking your office with the blinds closed and a silencing charm up.

Draco cursed quietly under his breath, tightening his grip on my ass for a second as he let the clouds clear in his head, "Will you be on the menu then, Mrs. Malfoy?

Now I was the one smirking. 

"As long as you're what's for dessert, Mr. Malfoy." I replied back in his head. 

He exhaled heavily just as the lift stopped on the floor Hermione and I needed to get out on. I leaned over and pecked his lips quickly as we made our way out. 

"See you soon, darling," I smiled and winked, before blowing him a kiss as the lift doors closed again, and Hermione and I were off and back to business. 

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