Surprise, Mon Cheri.

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(Post-war; Draco is out of town for work to help the French Ministry track down the source of illegal artifacts trade; Rose is making strides at work and business is thriving; but of course, Rose and Draco just hate being apart from one another for so long...) 



A whole week I had been away. A whole week sleeping in another bed, waking up alone, eating breakfast in silence as I read the newspaper, showering alone. 

An entire bloody week. 

This was only supposed to be a couple of days, but the further that Blaise, the other investigators and I looked into it, more and more complexities kept popping up. One minute we thought we were close to locating the source of said objects, and the next we resulted to scoping out pawn shops, both magical and muggle, to see if the bastards had decided to rid themselves of anything not worth them getting arrested over.

It was mind numbing. Exhausting. Not a moment spent where I could even slip away to ring Rose and ask her how her day was, how Leo was coping with baby shopping, if Nora had given up on knitting her future niece or nephew a blanket yet, and how Theo was doing as he approached his send off to Hogwarts. 

We hardly even got time for lunch, for fuck's sake. 

But at least I wasn't whining...on the outside. 

Blaise was always trying to sneak off and get a phone call at the worst times possible, and don't even get me started about how he acts when he doesn't eat lunch at a proper hour. My god. And Rose thinks I'm the drama queen? 

Occasionally I would send Rose a message. A quick "I love you", or one of those red heart things that Nora showed me how to send, or an "I miss you". 

I hated being away. Even after all this time, the only place I preferred to be was with my family. With my Rosie. 

Not surrounded by hangry investigators and forbidden artifacts that I recognized from my father's old study. The memories being brought up weren't so fun, either. 

By the time I returned back to my hotel room each night, I was knackered, starved, and missing my witch like mad. 

Even after all these years, a night apart felt like an eternity, because that's how long it felt whilst waiting for her to be mine in the first place. More than a decade and three kids later, and she still brings me to my knees with the simple sway in her hips when she walks, or the way her eyes light up when she laughs. 

Tonight was no different than the rest, other than the fact that we called it a night a bit earlier than we had the rest of the week prior. 

Rather than coming in and sending my coat to the coat rack at half past one, it was only now nearing midnight. A pleasant surprise, really. Something I would take advantage of, for sure. Although my stomach growled, aching for the food I could smell cooking from the lobby, my mind immediately went to wondering if Rose was still awake at home, or if she had turned in for the night. 

Work for T.H.E.O has been booming since she day she bloody started the organization with Granger. She worked her ass off, and looked stunning while doing it. There was never a day that she didn't amaze me. She's brilliant, smart, hardworking, sexy as hell, the mother of my children, and mine. What else could I possibly ask for? 

I pulled my phone from my pocket, something that Rose actually bought me and insisted I used if I wanted people (Blaise) to stop calling me an old man, and I opened up my text exchange with Rose. 

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