A Year Ago

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(Post-war; one year anniversaries of both good and bad times for Draco and Rose)


Newborn babies are born without kneecaps. 

Odd, but it makes sense. Why would they need them anyway? They're not walking anywhere.

Babies go through around 3,300 nappies in the first year of life. 

Not surprising after seeing how many nappy changes Teddy goes through in one Friday night dinner. 

Babies can recognize the smell and voice of their mother at birth.

With how much I've been talking to Rose's stomach lately, I think it's safe to say that he or she will be able to recognize the both of us by the time they pop out. 

The first color that babies are able to distinguish is the color red. 

I frowned down at the book in my hands. Of all colors, it just had to be red, didn't it? Hopefully green comes soon after, because the house is filled with it. The only red that can be found in "Cottage de Malfoy" (Blaise's chosen nickname), is that of the tomatoes in the fridge, and Rose's cheeks when I compliment her on things like her laugh that makes me melt or that wonderfully exquisite ass of hers. 

I summoned my tea over from the coffee table and took a long sip, my eyes scanning over the page some more. 

These baby books were actually quite interesting. I knew a lot went into raising a child, but after reading nearly 12 books on everything from child birth to caring for a newborn to techniques to prevent you from becoming a sleep deprived zombie in the first few weeks, I feel like I need to send my mother some flowers and a lengthy thank you letter. 

I'll see her tonight. I'll extend my thanks then. 

It was New Year's Eve, but more importantly, it was Friday night. Cottage de Malfoy was the location for tonight's celebration, which reminded me that I needed to make sure the guest rooms were prepared for when Blaise inevitably and drunkenly stumbled into one of them to crash once the clock hit midnight. 

It was early now though, so I didn't need to start preparing for a few more hours.

Usually Rose and I woke at around the same time, but this morning, a nightmare shook me from my sleep just as the sun barely cracked the horizon behind the thick layer of clouds in the sky. Rose remained still and sound asleep, whereas my racing heart wouldn't allow me to close my eyes again, so I pulled the covers up to cover her shoulder, kissed her cheek, and trades my nightmare-related nerves with excited ones as I read about all of the craziness that was to come in a few months once there were three Malfoy's living under this roof. 

I was terrified, but in the best way possible. It was like climbing the incline of a rollercoaster. You know what's coming, and it becomes scarier and scarier as the drop crawls closer, but you know what's to come is going to be completely worth it. 

My attention was torn away from the book in my hands when I heard our bedroom door creak open, followed by the sounds of bare feet softly padding along the floor. It was still rather early though. 

Shit, I must have woken her up. 

I sent my mug back to the table and looked up right as she made it directly in front of me. Her hair was messy from her pillow. The only thing she wore was a t shirt of mine that practically looked like a dress on her, hitting at around mid thigh as it was slightly ridden up by the roundness of her bump, which I almost always had my hands on. Her arms were crossed over her chest, not in an angry way, but in a way that looked as if she was probably cold from the lack of warmth from the bed she just left, and the abundance of snow outside. 

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