Leo's First Halloween

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(It is Leo's first halloween, and Rose is more excited than she thought she would be; Draco has never dressed up for Halloween...until Rose makes him)



It was Leo's first Halloween. 

And yes, I was making a big deal of it. 

Yes, I was making Draco dress up for it as well. 

No ifs, ands, or buts. 

I don't know why Draco was so against the idea of dressing up. He had never dressed up for Halloween before, and said that he just "didn't" get into the whole Halloween thing. 

I never really did either, but now that I had an adorable, chubby baby to dress up, I was in the full Halloween spirit. 

It took weeks of convincing and pitching different ideas to him before we finally settled on one. It was more of a costume for Leo and I, and a blast from the not so distant pass for Draco. 

Good thing Draco still had a couple of his old quidditch jerseys. 

At first, I had the brilliant idea of me being Draco, Draco being Harry, and Leo being the golden snitch, but Draco shot that down immediately. Then I suggested I be Harry, Draco be himself, and Leo still be the snitch. He didn't like that idea too much either. 

"I'll be a broom if it means you'll sit on me." he winked at me as he raised his morning coffee to his lips. 

I rolled my eyes and fed Leo another spoonful of pumpkin. 

On Halloween evening, everyone showed up to our house, dressed in their best. 

I decorated the house, inside and out, like muggles do, and got the seal of approval from Narcissa immediately, which was an honor in itself. 

Blaise and Millicent showed up as two of Hogwarts's most iconic teachers...

Snape and McGonagall. 

I spit pumpkin juice out of my mouth once I caught a look at Millicent. Of course...of course she was McGonagall. 

My eyes widened at Blaise, and his smile fell as soon as he realized where I was going with that look. 

"Don't even say it, Rose. I swear to Salazar." he whispered between gritted teeth as we hugged quickly. 

"About that..." I started, but Draco came up and clapped a hand onto Blaise's shoulder. 

"Is that the same robe Childress wore or did you get a new one for Millie over there?" Draco whispered to Blaise with a devilish smirk. 

"Whoops." I shrugged. 

Blaise playfully smacked at Draco's arm as Draco cackled. 

Harry and Ginny showed up as Jack and Rose from that movie Titanic. Very fitting with Ginny's red hair. 

Hermione and Ron were Romeo and Juliet. The newer version. Ron wore a knight's outfit, and Hermione a white dress with angel wings. It was actually quite cute. 

When Celia and Silas showed up, it only took me a second to realize just who they were dressed up as. It took Draco a minute though. 

"Draco, they're us." I shook my head with a laugh. 

The light bulb went off in his head as he realized that Celia and Silas were both, indeed, dressed like he and I. They had the mannerisms down and everything. It was quite hilarious, I will admit. 

Draco and I were both dressed like we were about to head out to the pitch any second. I tried to wear those dusty old shoulder pads, but Draco's shoulder were a lot broader than mine, so i just opted for the jersey. It was Leo's costume I was most proud of. 

I heard the cry of a waking baby from the other room, and excitedly went to go get him so that he could make his Halloween debut, and so that everyone could see how absolutely adorable he was. 

He woke up in a cheery mood, which I was grateful for. He didn't even start to whine as I put him in his costume. He thought it was hilarious actually. When he saw himself in the mirror, he pointed to himself like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

When I walked into the living room with him on my hip, he was thrilled to see that he had a audience waiting for him. 

"Oi, Draco, make sure you catch this one." Ron snorted a laugh. 

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Draco squinted at Ron with a sarcastic laugh before he walked over to were I was standing with Leo. Draco's expression went from unamused sarcasm to happy dad face in half a second, making Leo's smile light up even more. 

It was a bit of a struggle, but finally Leo stayed still enough for the three of us to get a picture. 

"Say cheese, Leo!" Ginny exclaimed from behind the camera, with Blaise behind her trying to make Leo look that way.

As soon as Leo looked in the direction of the camera, Draco took it as the perfect time to slide his hand a bit lower down my back, and grab a handful of what I kept catching him checking out. 

Horny little minx. 

Just as the camera clicked, I was looking over as him with a stubborn smile. Ginny offered to retake the picture, but after seeing how it turned out, I decided that this one was it. It was a perfect description of our little family. 

Draco looking handsome and putting his hands where he isn't supposed to, me not being able to not smile when I look at him, and Leo giggling like he always was. 

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