Fallen Angels

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This book is a sample only. Full book is available on Patreon until I publish, link in my bio ❤️

Heyyy fallen angels, who's ready to get back into the demon universe? 😈

Some things to start off with...

This is dark romance, dark humor, dark themes, just dark. If dark is not to your taste, please go now and save us both the trouble. This is also a story with a demon as one of the main characters. There will be many demons, there will be demon humor. If you are going to get offended by a demon being a demon, please don't bother reading. 

Here's the deal. I've had the worst year of my life this year, and the patience I have left for people that want to be assholes is exactly -227. You have every right to say whatever you want in the comment section, and I have every right to protect my mental health and mute you if you get too over the top and leave nothing but negative comments. Let's not consider me muting you as me trying to start a fight, I'm not, I truly don't have the energy. If I mute you it's because your comments came across as negative and toxic way too many times and my mental health can't take the hit, not this year. I've been through too much shit and lost too many people I love dearly this year and my mental health is already not in a great place. People coming in and hating on a story they could just stop reading, or hating on a character repeatedly, or just in general being a troll in the comment section, I don't got the mental capacity for you this year and I've gotten way quicker with the mute button. I try to be patient, but if I see you starting fights, insulting me because you don't like my demon being a demon (guys, if I agreed with everything my characters did, I should be in prison. In fact, Stephen King and Quentin Tarantino should DEFINITELY be in prison. If writers agreed with absolutely everything every single one of their characters did or said, their stories would either be boring as hell or there would be a lot more psychopaths on the loose. Don't assume because my character says or does something that it is a reflection of my person beliefs, don't assume that for any writer ever, actually, or we won't have any villains or tension in a story ever again), or hating on a main character and doing absolutely nothing else, I will mute you. Again, not to start a fight, but because I think both our time is better spent doing anything else. I love reading comments from my readers, I don't love reading comments from trolls or negative people. If it gets out of hand, I will put an end to it and you can move onto something more of your taste and I can move onto the readers who are actually invested in the story. Win-win 😊

You do not need to have read IASAD to understand this book, it's just a nice bonus. This will update once a week on Sundays like IASAD did. IASAD will not be posted here again, but if you want to and are able to, it is still exclusively available on Patreon (link is in my bio). And yes, I do want to publish, I do intend to publish physical copies, but as I said above, this year kicked my ass and it's not happening right now or any time soon. I'm aiming for next year being my publishing year. This year I need some healing as I deal with my grief, writing new stories and being creative at all is pushing me to my limits, I can't worry about anything outside that (like publishing).

That's all I got for you. If you're a first-timer that didn't get to read IASAD, welcome to my little den of dark romance, dominant men, and strong female characters ❤️ If you have read IASAD and you are ready to see this spin-off featuring our very own Marcus, welcome back, fallen angels, I've missed you 😈

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