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Karl’s POV;

I woke up with Nick still with me, I looked up and smiled.

I didn’t wanna wake him up, but I really had to pee, so I decided to get up.

I walked downstairs and saw George on the couch.

“Hey gogy, what's up?” I asked

“Oh hey, I couldn’t really sleep past like 3 so I went back here and I was just watching some old videos we made together.”

“Oh my god, you still have them??” I asked again

George chucked and patted the couch signalling me to sit next to him.

I sat and he showed me the videos and we watched them for a while.


Dream’s POV;

A few hours have passed, and we just finished having our lunch.

“Hey, I’ve got to go home and shower, then meet Tina at the mall,” my boyfriend said.

“I can bring you home” I offered

George looked at me and smiled, of course I smiled back.

“Ok, well we’re going” I said to the other couple across the room, they both looked up and nodded.


Karl’s POV;

TW: gun, knife, murder, suicide, death, blood

“Alright, Dream should be back soon, I’m gonna go.” I said

“Aw, do you have to?” Nick whined, grabbing my waist tighter.

I scoffed, “yes nick, I’m sorry”

He looked at me and nodded, then kissed me on the lips quickly.

“Alright, love you” I said as I was going out of the door

I heard a muffled “Love you too” from Nick.

I started walking out down the street, wanting to stop at the mall to buy some new clothes.

When I passed a tiny alleyway near Nick and dreams home, I heard Dream, but when I looked he pulled me to the wall.

I was really confused. I mean, I don’t really think I did anything wrong, did I?

I quickly went through all the memories I could think of, trying to see if I did anything wrong, and I didn’t. I know I didn’t.

“Dream, what’re you doing?” I asked him.

“I’ve had enough of you”

what? “I’m sorry, did I do something?” I asked again

“You and your fucking family. God I thought it stopped when I made Sapnap kill your father, but your making everything worse”

Who’s sapnap, and how does Dream know about my dad's death?

I heard a gun cock and I looked down to see a gun in my stomach.

I think Dream heard something, because he moved us farther into the alleyway. And looked to the side

There was Nick.


Sapnap’s POV;

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