35|The Movie Theaters

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You had never heard of MJ before. Was Peter trying to make you jealous? Either way, you were glad that he found someone who returns his love. You decided to wear Loki's hoodie again. It was so comfy and it reminded you of him.

Loki looked down at you, and walked arm and arm with you into the limo Tony had instructed you to take. Of course Happy was the driver, and he would drop you off. Loki had argued with Tony that he was responsible to protect and teleport you there, but he insisted. You had sort of agreed with Loki, but oh well.

You sat next to Loki in the limo as Peter and his friends walked in. The girl who you assumed to be MJ had curly brown hair and brown eyes that complimented her mixed brown skin. She was beautiful.

"Hi, you must be MJ! I'm Y/N!" You exclaimed.

MJ looked annoyed. "She's always like this, don't be offended," Ned whispered.

You nodded, and stared at her. "I heard you have fire powers, can I see?"

Why did people always need to see your fire powers? It's not like they were made up.

A flame danced on both of your palms and she gasped. "Now, that's sick."

You laughed at her comment, as she sat down next to Peter, Ned on his other side. "Aren't we seeing a horror movie?" Ned said, shivering.

"Yup." Peter smiled.

Now, that's great. You would probably be clinging to Loki the whole time. As you sat down in your seats, Loki nudged you. He was sharing a bucket of popcorn with you.


"It's starting, silence your electronic device. I think I silenced mine."

You laughed, checking his. "You didn't."

He rolled his eyes and turned to the screen as the movie started.

You reached your hand in the bucket for a handful of popcorn, but Loki had the same idea. Your hands touched, and blush creeped across both of your faces.

"If you wanted to hold my hand, just say so," He smirked.

With a sigh, you held onto his hand. The biggest jumpscare yet happened, and you clung onto Loki for dear life. This happened every single time any scary moment happened.

"That was fun," Peter said.

"Especially when Y/N was scared the whole time.," Loki laughed.

You playfully pushed him, and he jerked his head back around with a laugh, pushing you 10x harder.

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