"Because I want to be a part of your pack."


We walk towards the entrance, trying to process what just happened.

"He came all the way back here, just to join us?" I question, furrowing my brow curiously.
"He's clearly an omega. I don't think he wants to be in our pack. He just needs to in order to survive."
"Still makes no sense." Stiles argues.

Scott, Stiles, Malia, Kira and I walk into the school, which is already loaded with other Seniors.
"Look, we haven't seen this kid in years, you don't find that highly suspicious?"
"It's Beacon Hills, Stiles. Everything could be suspicious if you make it out to be." I comment, though I know it's a rhetorical question.
"Yeah. And I'm kind of more concerned about the guy who just tried to kill me." Scott answers.

The sound of a phone vibration catches our attention, and I turn to Malia who is eyeing her phone nervously. I know it must be her grades; she's been ranting about them all week... After keeping us in suspense for an eternity, she looks up and exclaims: "I'm in! I passed!" We all grin and breathe a sigh of relief. Stiles hugs her proudly.
"I'm officially a senior." Kira and I give her a hug, too.

Out of the crowd of students, Lydia walks up to us swiftly. "Where have you guys been? The whole senior class is here!" she pauses. "Are we doing this or not?" All of us smile excitedly, and we move towards the library as a group.

We line up behind a terribly long queue of students in the enormous library, laughing and talking.

It feels just like yesterday that I met Scott and Stiles. Four years passed in no time. Four years of friendship and nearly three years of danger, of supernatural encounters and near death experiences. But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

It's our turn to sign the shelves now. Stiles goes first and takes a while to sign his initials. It's my turn after him, and I understand what distracted him. Before the tip of the pen makes contact with the shelf, something catches my eye. On the shelf, I see a familiar pair of initials.


Derek signed that. I know it.
As I stare at those two letters that may seem meaningless to so many people, a wave of pain hits me.

I miss him so much. He left Beacon Hills a few months ago. Months. I've never been away from him for that long.
Derek is one of my best friends. He took care of me and watched over me more times than I should've allowed. He's taught me things that keep me alive today. I wonder when I'll see him again, if I do at all.
I gnaw on my bottom lip and exhale loudly, locking away the thought. But when the pen finally makes contact with the shelf, I sign my initials in a free space closest to Derek's.

S.A. Sadie Alonzo.

I tuck my hair behind my ear and hand the pen to Lydia before joining Stiles, who is standing at the railing.
"I miss him too." he tells me and squeezes my hand.
Lydia hands the pen to Kira.

"This isn't... vandalism, is it?" she asks nervously. Lydia tilts her head and purses her lips, thinking about it.
"Not technically..."

Kira signs her name hesitantly and gives the pen to Malia. Malia also takes a little longer to sign her name, and I can assume why. She doesn't know if she should write Hale or Tate as her last name. Eventually, she chooses Tate, and I smile at that. I'm proud of her.
Finally, she hands the pen to Scott.

SM, he writes.

He pauses for a long time. And then he signs another name.


If We Could | Teen Wolf | Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now