Chapter 1

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I had never thought much about romance movies and books. Of course being a girl, I absolutely love them. But I never thought of love being anything like them. Boy, was I wrong.

I had no idea what the summer had in store for me at the end of my junior year of high school. Come time for school to begin, and I had lived the summer romance of every girls' dreams. I felt like I had starred in every romance story possible. That's what love felt like to me.

Sometimes you lose yourself when you're in love. But the other person always helps you find yourself. Love CAN hurt, but it CAN heal.

When I met Adam Collins, I had no idea I would see a lot more of him. Meeting him was an accident. We were at the airport picking up my uncle when I ran right into him. See? Honest mistake. Only, that mistake ended up ruling the rest of my summer, making it the adventure I never knew a girl like me could have.

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