Bethany's words made me want to strangle her, but I couldn't do that. I swear to god I could kill her right here, right now, but how vulgar of me to do that, even though nothing was considered illegal during the Purge. "Where the hell is my Olivia and what the hell is Blake doing to her?!" I asked through gritted teeth, balling my fists tightly.

"Oh, Blake is taking care of her real good." she told me, and that triggered something in my body. I found myself turning my heel and sprinting back to where I left Olivia and Blake (and thank goodness Bethany and I didn't walk so far). I heard Bethany call after me, telling me to stop, but like hell would I listen to her. 

All I need, right now, is to have Olivia with me – where it's safe; where I can protect her. 

"Olivia!" I hollered out once I've reached the area I left her and Blake. I wasn't even tired from running, probably because I had adrenaline rushing through me, and I was more focused on saving Olivia. 

I looked around and saw no one, so I continued running down the street, looking left and right – but mostly left because those are where the alleys were, and I knew that an alley was the best resource to go to during the Purge. 

An alley caught my eye, and I saw two figures inside it, causing me to slow down. It took me only a second to realize it was who I was looking for: Olivia, and also Blake. Anger pumped through me, seeing Olivia trapped between the brick wall and Blake, Blake's lips kissing her neck while his hand covered her mouth.

I sprinted towards the both of them and immediately pushed Blake down to the ground with all my might. Olivia gasped, probably not expecting my sudden arrival. 

She watched me as I gave Blake no mercy. I went on top of him and punched him in the nose over and over again. I ignored the pain that was put upon my knuckles and continue punching the asshole in his face. "You motherfucker! Don't you ever touch her like that!" I yelled and stood up, wiping a bit of sweat from my forehead. Blake held his bloody nose with his hands, his eyes shut because of the pain I put upon him. 

I went to kick him in the stomach, but a familiar voice was heard from behind me. "Don't you do shit to him, Matthew." Bethany said threateningly. I turned back around and saw that she was in the entrance of the alley, a fistful of Olivia's hair in one of her hands and a gun on the other, pressed against the side of Olivia's head. 

Olivia's eyes showed total fear, and more tears streamed down her face as she whimpered – both in fear and pain. I was infuriated that Bethany was giving Olivia pain. "Let her go, Bethany." I growled, trying to keep myself from briskly pulling out my gun and shooting Bethany in her head.

"Or what? You can't do shit to me, Matthew, because if you do...Olivia, over here, will have a bullet shot through her brain." Bethany threatened and smirked, pressing the gun onto Olivia's head even harder, her finger lingering on top of the trigger. "Blake, are you okay?" she asked, looking past me, to Blake. He was on his knees, getting up from the ground. 

He stood up finally and looked at me with an ominous look, wiping the blood off of his face. "Let's just kill him, Bethany." Blake said, still looking me straight in the eye. He took out his very own gun from the waistband of his pants and pointed it at me. I was scared – not for me, but for Olivia. If I was gone, then who knows what things they were going to do to her. 

I will not let anyone do anything to her. 

"No, please don't-" Olivia whispered pleadingly, trying to step towards me, but Bethany held her back using the fistful of Olivia's hair in her hands. 

"Shut the hell up!" Bethany growled at her and Olivia gave me a look of sadness, and I could see it in her eyes that she genuinely cared for me. She actually cared for me, after I've treated her like crap since the first time we've even talked. 

Blake cocked the gun and that's when Olivia did something abrupt – something I didn't know she even could do. 

Olivia Coleman

Matthew and I are in a mess – that's something I know for sure. 

Blake had Matthew's life in his hands, and I knew I had to do something to save Matthew. I couldn't allow him to get killed. I actually care for Matthew, and I'm not ashamed to say it. He may not actually care for me too much, but I care for him. 

I don't know what went through me, but I found myself having courage, and I did something I saw in the movies that helped people, in movies, to escape the person holding them captive. I elbowed Bethany in the stomach as hard as I could, causing her to fall on her knees in pain, and to let go of my hair. I then took the gun out of Bethany's now weak hands and aimed it with my best aiming skills at Blake. I then pulled the trigger and...


Blake screamed out in pain and he dropped the gun he was holding onto the floor as he held the side of his body, where blood was oozing out from the shot. My eyes widened and I dropped the gun on the floor, realizing that I just shot a person. 

I just shot a person! Oh my god, I just shot a person! was what was going onto my mind, and I was in shock. 

Matthew's eyes bulged, as well, but he quickly snapped out of the shock he was in. Quickly, he ran over to me, taking my hand in his. He led the way as the two of us both ran out of the alley and sprinted away from the scene. 


the purge ○ matthewHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin