Questions: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

If you were honest with yourself, you rather liked your new accommodations. A hammock, open air, about twenty roommates. It wasn't bad, compared to the living conditions in Wicked. Not bad at all. Chuck had been your constant companion.

"Come on, greenie. Bonfire time!"

As night fell, Newt was there to show you around. He pointed out the different jobs in the glade, and the names of the Keepers, but you didn't hear him. You knew the jobs and their names already. You were more focused on the ring of cheering boys toward the back of the bonfire.

"You missed a speech from Alby answering questions about you... everyone's wondering why you won't, or can't, talk. Care to explain?" He prodded gently, and you you're your head, shrugging apologetically.

"I figured. Here," Newt said, thrusting a jar of liquid into your hands.

You took a sip, and immediately spit it out, looking at Newt with disgust. He laughed.

"Gally makes it. You'll get used to the flavor."

You scrunched your nose at the jar but were distracted by loud noises coming from the maze. Newt noticed you staring at the walls.

"Hear that?" He asked, and you nodded.

"That's the maze. It's changing. It changes every night. See those guys, there, by the fire? Those are the runners. That guy in the middle, that's Minho. He's the Keeper of the Runners. They go out there every day, running the maze, mapping it, memorizing it. They're the smartest and fastest of us, and they have to be. And it's a good thing, too... because if they don't make it back before those doors close then they are stuck out there for the night. And no one has ever survived a night in the maze."

Grievers... You thought. You'd have to fight them eventually. But not tonight. Tonight, all you had to fight was...

"Well, well, well. Look who it is! Our mysterious, silent, all-knowing greenie. Let's see if they know enough to beat me in the Ring! What do you say, greenie? Want to see what you're made of?"

"Yeah, Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" The boys took up the chant. You gave Gally a nod and a tiny smile, stepping over the rope into the ring.

"The rules are simple, Greenie. I try to push you out of the circle, and you try to last more than five seconds. Ready?"

You were. You had a whole week of training related to fighting Gally.

He charged you and you leaned forward slightly, using his momentum to flip him over your back.

The other Gladers went wild, but you didn't hear them. You were focused on Gally.

He tried to sweep your legs from the ground, and you hit the dirt so hard you saw spots.

"Get up, greenie! We're not done yet!"

You stood just as Gally charged you again. This time you dropped on your back, kicking upward with your feet. You hit Gally squarely in the stomach, sending him flying over your head.

He got up, scarlet red. You flinched; Gally stopped thinking and grew dangerously unpredictable when he was angry, and right now he was furious.

"You're going to regret that, shank."

He came at you again, and you hastily retreated to the other side of the ring. He followed you, trying to lunge, but you ducked and scurried out of his reach.

"Shuck it! Why don't you stay still? And why don't you shucking say something! You hear me?! Say something!" He demanded; his temper fully blown.

You nodded as if in agreement, taking three steps forward, forcing him to take one step back. He stood, panting, his face still dark with anger, waiting for you to speak. You opened your mouth, then closed it, and pointed at the ground.

When you had stepped forward, and Gally had stepped back, he had forgotten to check where he stepped.

Gally was standing over the line.

As the Gladers went wild, and you watched Gally's face freeze in humiliation and rage, you realized you had made your first serious mistake in the Glade; you had made Gally your enemy. 

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