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Days passed since the Smiths had dinner with us; I walked home from the Curtis house as the sunset. A voice yelled my name. I turned around to Dakota, running behind. I stopped as he was next to me. "Sage, I want to ask you a question." He asked out of breath.

"Do you want to go on a date with me this weekend,"

I sighed, "I'm sorry, but I am busy this weekend with the gang." it was indeed me. The guys agreed to visit Curtis's lake house because Soda has been down lately, and Darry needed some time off.

"Can't you cancel what you are doing with them and join me instead."

"No, I can't,"


"Because the gang and I don't want to cancel this big road trip we have planned and saved up for just because you want to take me out," I said. He rolled his eyes, mumbled something under his breath, and walked away, kicking stones down the sidewalk. I signed and started to walk home again.

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