𝑶𝒍𝒅 𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒔

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I didn't want to get up since Sandy and I broke up. I didn't go to work today, so Steve and Sage didn't stop by the house. Since Darry had to work, Pony left to hang out with Johnny and Dally. The TV canceled all Mickey Mouse episodes today, So Two-hit didn't show; I was the only home.

The house was quiet when no one was there; the only thing I could hear was my breath and the noises from outside. I sat in bed and looked through photos from when the gang and I were younger and when Mom and Dad were alive. I missed those days when we all didn't have to worry as much as we do now.

Ponyboy wasn't so stressed out from grades and school work. Darry didn't work and lived his life as a typical teenager. Johnny had another set of parents who loved him like their own. Steve wasn't so cocky and sad. Two didn't drink and had an addiction to alcohol.

Dally wasn't so cold and didn't get in the cooler as much as he does now. Sage wasn't so stubborn and didn't steal from stores. I didn't understand that my life would change forever in a year. I wanted to go back to the days. We would meet up in the lot, play football every Saturday, hang out at the dingo, and make jokes about the people there; we would play dare or dare and do stupid things, which got us kicked out.

I remember those Sundays when Sage's parents were happily married and would come for dinner and play games. Those little memories brought the gang closer together.

"Drop me off at his place, Steve," He shook and turned. Steve and I got off work, and I wanted to see Soda since he didn't come today. As we pulled into the driveway, "Tell Ash I said hi." I said and grabbed my bag, kissed Steve on the cheek, hopped out of the car, and shut the door as he drove away.

I jumped over the fence and walked up to the front to open it. No one was home. I set my bag on the couch and walked up the old stairs towards Soda and Pony's room. I knocked on the door. "Soda?" I asked, no answer. I opened the door and saw him asleep and his bed coated with photos.

I bent down and lightly rubbed his face; he slowly opened his eyes, smiled, and pressed his face in my hand.

"Hi, handsome."

"Hi, sweetie,"

He reached his hand out and lightly rubbed my cheek. Then, he sat up, grabbed my hand, and pulled me onto the bed. "Cola, I don't want to ruin any of the pictures," I said and picked them up and put them in a stack and on the side table. "How are you feeling?" I said and pulled him in for a side hug.

"Heartbroken." He got up, walked to his dresser, and pulled something out. Then, he returned to the bed, sat beside me, and showed me a small box. "Soda, is everything ok?"

"I want to show you this and explain something." He opened the small box to a beautiful ring. He pulled it out and admired it. "This was the ring I was supposed to give Sandy, but now I want someone else to have it for me." He said and looked up at me;

I gasped, "Soda, that ring is supposed to be for somebody special to you, and you love the most." I pushed his hand away as he tried giving me a ring. "You are special to me, and I know you will keep the ring in good care. and I love you the most because you're my best friend." I got friend-zoned by him. Great, I hoped he meant something more, but he loved it and not for me.

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