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she is the only girl in the Curtis gang. They see her as the baby of the group. A loving, kind-hearted girl who adores them very much for being there for her.
Sage is a sixteen-year-old greaser, shorter than Ponyboy. She has dark brown hair, green eyes with a hint of hazel, and freckles across her cheeks and nose.
Mia Sara

SODAPOP CURTIS Soda is seventeen, a greaser, and a high school dropout like Sage And Steve

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Soda is seventeen, a greaser, and a high school dropout like Sage And Steve. He works at the DX gas station.
Sodapop is handsome. He's a little shorter than Ponyboy's oldest brother, Darry. He is described as a "movie star" attractive. Soda's hair is long and dark brown, which lightens in the summer. He's got bright blue eyes and a foolish grin that you can't help but love.
Rob Lowe

PONYBOY CURTIS Ponyboy is the youngest of the Curtis gang

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Ponyboy is the youngest of the Curtis gang. He resemblance to Sodapop by several people, though he disagrees. Ponyboy, like Sodapop, is under Darry's legal custody and must stay out of trouble to remain with him.
Ponyboy has light-brown hair and greenish-gray eyes. He has a good build for his size and is a fast runner. Ponyboy's hair is long and dark, but He is described as good-looking and
C Thomas Howell

DALLAS WINSTONDallas is a Seventeen-year-old greaser; he spent three years on the wild side of New York and was arrested at ten

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Dallas is a Seventeen-year-old greaser; he spent three years on the wild side of New York and was arrested at ten.
he has an elfish face with high cheekbones, a pointed chin, sharp animal teeth, and ears like a lynx. Dally disliked haircuts or oil, so his dark brown hair fell over his forehead in wisps. He had a height of 6'2, and had blazing blue eyes;
Matt Dillon

 He had a height of 6'2, and had blazing blue eyes;Actor Matt Dillon

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Two-Bit Mathews was the wisecracker of the bunch. He is eighteen-year-old and a greaser. His nickname is Two, and he does not like his real name.
He is about six feet tall, stocky in build, and very proud of his long rusty-colored sideburns. He had grey eyes and a wide grin, often teased for not having a job.
Emilio Estevez

STEVE RANDLESteve is seventeen and a greaser

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Steve is seventeen and a greaser. He's been Soda and Sage's best buddy since grade school. Steve's specialty is cars. He works at the gas station with Sodapop and Sage. Steve also considers Pony "a tag-along."
Steve is tall, lean, cocky, and intelligent. He likes to comb his hair in thick, complicated swirls
Tom Cruise

 He likes to comb his hair in thick, complicated swirlsActorTom Cruise

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Johnny is sixteen years old and a greaser. Johnny is like a puppy that has been kicked too many times. His hair was always greasy.
He's smaller than the other guys, with a slight build. He had big black eyes in a darkly tanned face; his hair was jet-black and heavily greased and combed to the side, but it was so long that it fell in shaggy bangs across his forehead. He always had an edgy, suspicious look in his eyes.
Ralph Macchio

DARRY CURTISDarry is a twenty-year-old and a greaser

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Darry is a twenty-year-old and a greaser. He is said to look exactly like his father but differently. Also, he looks older than his actual age.
Darry is a muscular and tall man, standing at 6' 2", who is broad-shouldered. His hair is dark brown that sticks out in the front of his head with a cowlick in the back. His eyes are blue-green ice.
Patrick Swayze

ActorPatrick Swayze

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S.E. Hinton owns all storylines and characters except for Sage Miller and more.

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