"He's been gone all night. We've searched the entire Institute. He is not here," Alec stated. He knew that much because he had sat in Henry's room waiting for him til dawn, where ultimately had to be the one to feed Rook and let him out for some fly time.

Jace sighed deeply, shaking his head stressed. His eyes went to the door for the briefest of moments.

"How is she?" Isabelle asked, her own sympathy laced in there.

"How do you think she is, Izzy?" Jace frowned at her. "Her father and brother died," He pointed out.

She didn't take offense from his mean tone. Deep down, she knew it was just because he was angry about all of this craziness.

Isabelle's eyes softened at him. "Well then what are you doing looking like that for? Go in there and comfort her. She needs someone by her side. A friend...Friends," She stated as she looked between the two men, "She needs us, now more than ever."

Alec and Jace agreed with that much as they nodded.

"Henry should be here," Alec sighed as he glanced at Rook who was picking at Isabelle's long locks, "Lyra would want him to be here. They are more than friends," He noted, not even trying to hide the slight jealousy in his tone.

Jace and Isabelle shared a look of knowing.

"I agree. Henry needs to know so that we can all be there for Lyra. We need to find him for her," Isabelle decided.

"Alec and I can try parabatai tracking," Jace offered.

Alec nodded in agreement. "Let's go then so I can go get him," He stated, moving to lead the way.

"Woah." Jace stopped him and the other frowned. He gave him an apologetic look. "Look, buddy. I think I should be the one to go find Henry. Not to point blame, but he didn't exactly seem happy with us when he left. Least of all with you," He explained slow.

Alec's eyes flashed with anger and annoyance mixed. "You know how his family treats him. Why would I give them what they want and try to hurt Henry?" He argued.

"He beat all of us with two broken ribs and only half his strength," Isabelle reminded callously while rubbing her aching back muscles, "I doubt you would have laid a hand on him anyway."

"This isn't funny, Izzy," Alec growled at her.

Jace gripped Alec's arm with a more serious look. "Alec, let me deal with Henry. Besides, I sort of need to talk to him anyway..." He didn't explain more on that, turning to the other Lightwood sibling. "...Will you stay with Lyra until I come back?"

Isabelle nodded in agreement. "I should make her something to eat before she wakes up. She will probably be starving," She stated, not even taking a step before both Alec and Jace said, "No!" And she pouted before entering Lyra's room.

Rook flew onto Alec's shoulder next. He squawked, shaking his tiny body.

Jace gave the animal a sneer, before turning to Alec. "After we track Henry, it would be better if you stayed here. Distract his family. They will look for him after the meetings are over," He stated knowingly.

Alec didn't like the idea, that much was noticeable with how he looked away stubbornly. He wanted to be the one looking for Henry.

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