When I reached the door and opened it, I looked over and saw her laying perfectly still in bed, she was covered in linen and soft silks with pillows of varies sizes stuffed behind her.

At least they didn't put a gown on her, I know she hates those and makes her skin go red and itchy, so I'm glad they never put one on her.

When I circled her bed and took her in, it felt all the more real, the colour from her face wasn't all drenched but her normal feature wasn't as there to, she was somewhat in the middle, her lips still remained the plump pink and I noticed a little more wrinkles on her.

It honestly surprised me when she told me her age, 92, she didn't look a day over fifty and she had the energy of someone not of her age, but now, it looks like time has caught up to her.

'Your staring', she says, dragging me out of my own thought and I sigh and try to put a brave face on, 'I'm just checking if your faking just to get me to come over here', I said as a low rumbling laugh parts her lips and she opens her eyes and looks up at me, with the brightest honey brown eyes I've ever seen, 'am I faking', she asked as I pull out a chair.

'I haven't come to the conclusion yet', I said as she smiles again and moves her head to look at me, 'let me know when you have', she says as I try not to laugh or smile.

'Want to tell me why it took you this long to visit', she asked as I settle into the seat and shrug, 'I joined a new team, besides, it hasn't been that long', I said as she shakes her head a little and moved it back to the original position she had it, and it's then she notices the three, 'you brought guest, you never bring guests', she says full of hope and excitement as she looks over at me, 'I had no choice, so I had to bring them along', I said as she laughs again and moves her head back to the three.

'I'm Vivian', she introduced as they smile at her, 'Steve', he says first and then points to the two stood beside him, 'this is Nat and Bucky', he said.

'Nice to meet you', she says as they snicker a little and she looks at me, 'go grab some chairs, so they can sit', she instructed as I nod and then walk out to grab them.


'What are you reading', she asked as I flip through the pages, 'a magazine I found in the next room', I said.

'Really, what's it about', she asked as I flick to another page, 'the secrets about being old, and how to live forever', I said as she laughs again but this time harder and she gasps, 'don't make me laugh, it hurts when I laugh', she says as I stare at her whilst she calms and I put the paper down, 'would you like some water', I asked as she nods and I stand and walk over to the little bar trolly she had.

'You know you could do with a personal nurse', I said, filling the glass with water, 'they could stay with you all day and night', I said as I put the jug down and walk back to her with the glass in hand.

'No, they nice and very helpful but I can't be tended to 24 hours a day, I need time to breath', she says as I hand it to her whilst she tries to put it against her lips but I noticed her shaking hand, so I take it off of her and help her with it.

'Thank you', she says after the second gulp and I nod and put it down, 'so, you mentioned you moved to another team, how's it like so far', she asked.

'Fine', I replied as I sat on my seat again and she looked at the three again, 'she's a softie at heart you know', she says as they beam a smile at her and I roll my eyes, 'I saw that', she says.

'I never did anything', I tell her.

'You rolled your eyes, and don't say you didn't, cause I saw you', she retreats and I'm urged to roll them again, but don't, cause she'd probably see that too.

Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate you, I love youWhere stories live. Discover now