》✈︎ ; lungs

174 4 7

song; memento mori - crywank


tw; suicide, death, blood, drowning
request: no
╰┈➤ written 2nd of November


tommy has had enough. he's lost everyone and everything that matters to him. he lost his brother, his country, all of his friends, and his discs.

no one cared about him. no one loved him. so would they even care if he just ended it all? would anyone even notice he was gone?

he stood over a bright, gleaming lake which sat just on the outskirts of what was once l'manberg. he could see his own, gloomy expression reflecting in the water.

this was it, huh. all of this fighting, crying, and suffering...for nothing. he spent his entire life fighting for his country just for it to explode. and now here he was, about ready to end it all.

he stepped closer to the fresh saline, taking one last deep breath in. just as he was about to step in a voice called out to him.


he betrayed him. tommy wasn't about to listen to this traitor. so, without any last words, he jumped into the icy water, feeling as the cold engulfed him.

he sat there, not giving a fuck about life anymore. now, he must play the waiting game until he runs out of oxygen.

tommy gazed back up, attempting to peer up over the water one last time. and, as he noticed a splash next to him, his vision blurred as he blacked out.


tommy woke up, a sharp pain filling his chest. he coughed, blood came out. it hurt like a bitch. tommy panicked...not because of the blood, but because he was alive. didn't he...die? why was he lying in a bed, which wasn't even his. wait.

where the fuck was he? he couldn't seem to remember anything besides him jumping into a lake. everything else after that just kind of washed away like the waves hitting the shoreline.

he attempted to stand up, but that only caused him to cough again. more blood spilled from his mouth. it got more and more painful as he began to choke. the air around him began to suffocate him.

he fell to his knees, a pool of blood surrounding him. the excruciating pain grew unbearable and tears fell down his cheeks like a gushing waterfall.

he grew unaware of his surroundings, trying to keep himself conscious by filling his head with random thoughts. though, a door suddenly clicked open as an ear piercing gasp filled his ears.

"tommy?!" a high pitched voice full of panic exclaimed, falling to their knees right in front tommy.

"tubs?" tommy managed to say, even though there was little to no oxygen entering his lungs.

"holy shit! i need to get you to a doctor!" tubbo panicked, trying to pick up the boy but instead was roughly pushed back.

"no." tommy deadpanned, clutching his chest. "i don't need a doctor."

"but-" tubbo widened his eyes as more blood slowly fell onto the floor.

"take care of Shroud for me, okay." tommy asked weakly, feeling his vision begin to fade.

"o-kay...big man." tubbo said through his tears, wrapping tommy in a tight hug, not caring if blood got on his clothes.

"thanks, boss man." tommy spoke one final time, falling unconscious in tubbo's arms.


i'm not crying...you are!

- wil

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