Part 6

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Melanie POV:

"Alfie just leave!" I whispered through the door crack harshly. I am fed up of him being pathetic. Yes I do like him but I can't date him on my first day of uni'. Thats stupid.

I heard a few creaks as he glided up the door and walked down the corridor. Finally I'm alone for a while. I spoke to soon. The girls burst open the door, squealing about how they are meeting all of their idols at the music festival next month.

I don't think they noticed I was there but that's ok because I looked terrible anyway. With red puffy eyes from crying and mascara marks down my cheeks.

"OMG! We are meeting Taylor Swift!" Holly squealed, she had a beaming smile painted onto her face.

"Don't forget mcbusted!" Shannon almost screamed in excitement. She was a beautiful girl, her nose stud gleamed as she jumped up and down. Her long brown hair jumped with her.

"Melanie? Are you okay?" Someone asked, I think it was Lizzie but I couldn't tell as my back was turned to her.

I wiped away some stray tears and rolled over to face her.

"Guys! Melanie has been crying!" She yelled and everyone came running to my bed.

"What's happened Mel?" Shannon asked sounding genuinely worried.

"I... I'm a bit c.... confused and s... stuck" I said sobbing between my words.

"What about? Can we help you?" Kate sat on the edge of my bed. I sat up and explained everything that had happened.

"I understand, I think you should just avoid him for now and get on with school work" she really did understand! I can't thank her enough for giving me such good advice.

I got up off the bed and pulled everyone in for a group hug.

"Let's get you sorted!" Kayleigh shouted, which slightly deafened my left ear.

The girls pulled me into the closet and chucked me into the chair. I giggled and plonked down on the seat. Shannon got a make up wipe and scraped off all of my excess make up. Then Kayleigh pulled my hair up into a top bun while the others redid my make up. It was really fun and I couldn't ask for better friends right now.

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