Chapter 1.

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Melanie's POV

First day, first day at Capital Orlando's Uni', want my honest opinion. I'm dreading it. What if I don't meet anyone there?

I was in the shower for god knows how long. When I left I got changed into a simple white dress with a flower necklace that was sliver. I applied a small amount of makeup. My mother, father and my sister were standing around with my bags when I made my way downstairs.

"Hey" I faintly smiled, I was so nervous today I didn't want to leave, they all looked emotional, I was leaving home to live in Uni', my first choice was to get an apartment but it was hard with money. My job fell through, my parents demanded they would pay for my room at the Uni'. Only condition is I had to live with a girl, who probably wears too much makeup and sleeps around all day.

This is gonna be so much fun, the ride there was quiet and very intense I could taste the tension in the air and I didn't like it, we pulled up at a huge campus, parents crying over their 'children', people shoving them off. I found it quite funny. My parents will never cry, I hope not anyway.

I said a quick goodbye to my parents, my mum cried and my dad tried to make humour out of this, but yet again it failed badly and I could see that as soon as he got in the car a tear dropped from his eye.

I waved as they left me and picked up my bags to go and find the office and pick up my dorm room key. I finally found it about two hours later and grabbed a map off the desk so that I wouldn't get lost again and I could just go straight to my dorm.

I was quite surprised that I found it so quickly! I didn't know what to expect of my room but when I opened it my smile grew.

It is massive! It has four bunk beds two big dressers and a bookcase with a TV next to it! I put my bags on the floor and turned around to find three girls standing in front of me.

The shortest one introduced herself as Kate, then there was Holly and then a tall, brown haired girl called Shannon told me to sleep in the bed closest to the window. I already know I'm going to be happy here!

Hi! KatieStafford8 wrote the first part of this Chapter as I didn't know how to start it! I hope you all like it.

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