Chapter 17 First Exam

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Chatper 17 First Exam

Getting ready, Aoi checked she had everything with her, then she headed to the academy to meet her team mates. 

As she got there, she saw Sasuke already there but the other not yet arrived. 

"Good morning Sasuke." She smiled and gaves him a hug which he returrned.

"Are you ready for the chunnin Exams?" 

She only smirked at this "More than ever, it's so exciting! I mean we can learn new things, have a chance to become chunnin, meet other people from other villages and-" at this her eyes sparkled with happiness and Sasuke just abruptly stopped her from rambling on with an unexpected kiss. 

At this gesture she was startled and stared blushing a bit since they were in public, and Sasuke just smirked back at her "you talk too"

Then she just hit him lightly over the head, "you could have just said it instead ya know?"

"admit you liked it." he teased her, she just stared at him in the face and pouted at him and mumbled something under her breath. 

After, Naruto arrived and then shortly after they waitedfor their last team mate and then after a moment Sakura arrived .

"Hey Sakura! you're finally here! It's not like you to be late."

"I just had alot on my mind."

Aoi and Sasuke justed look at each, knowing they had the same idea in mind and nodded.

"Let's go! The Chunnin Exams await us!"

Team 7 now is ready and headed to the academy.


As they arrived, they saw a girl being hit by two people who looked familiar.

"You're trying to take the chunnin exams with that kind of level?!" Kotetsu questioned them.

"you're just kids, theres no way you'll pass the exams."

"Please let us through." the girl pleaded them and her other team mate was knocked to the ground.

"That's so cruel." a few people whispered among themselves.

"What? we're only advising you here.The chunnin exams are difficult and we've seen people who give up or get injured from them, it's best to not enter ." Izumo said smugly.

"If thats all you have to say, I would like to go to the third floor, and whilst doing that take off the genjutsu its so obvious." Sasuke's voice brought everyone out of their thoughts and sauntered towards them.

Aoi gazed ahead and silently agreed with him.

Then she spoke up again "Go on Sakura, tell them, you analysation skills are the best on our team." and then smiled at her.

"I am?" sakura said confusedly "of course, this is only the 2nd floor."

"tch...thats one thing with noticing this...lets see how you like this!" Then Kotetsu dispelled the genjutsu and about to land a kick on Sasuke, he began to counter it but is blocked by a green flash in between them.

A boy with a black bowl cut hairstyle was stood in between stopping them.

"Lee! i thought we agreed to not show our skill level!" A boy with long brown hair and lilac eyes hissed at his team mate. 

The other girl just looked at him and replied "well she must be why..." 

Lee blushed deeply and looked towards Aoi, "My name is Rock Lee, my fair maiden you are Aoi are you not?"

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