Chapter XV

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Third Person's POV:

A fine man, at his mid 40's was walking past the hallways, with his bodyguards behind him. All eyes were on him as they looked so intimidating and no one has ever come to that place with such power.

When they reached the information area, the old man asked.

"It has come to my attention that there was a patient named, Lisa Manoban here last night?"

All of the nurses looked at each other, confused at to what this man was talking about.

"Let me check, sir." One nurse told the man. "I'm afraid there were no Lisa Manoban listed here, sir. May I know your name?"

The man with might and power refused to tell them his name, for his safety and Lisa's. He couldn't trust anyone, so he left without any uttered word.

"Boss, don't you think we should look for her in this area?" His one guard suggested. "They might be still at the vicinity."

The old man fixed his tie and cleared his throat.

"Get me Mike on the phone."


"Come on, baby. You can do it!" Jennie encourages her daughter to stand up alone, Ella's showing signs of walking.

Ella, with still wiggly legs was trying hard to stand up. Her small hands gripped on the sofa beside her. She was giggling that made Jennie's heart burst with joy.

After the talk with his father last night, she decided to stay and take care of her daughter while her father was away.

"Come to mommy, come!" Jennie opened her arms and reached out to her daughter. Ella was smiling and immediately walked towards Jennie, giggling. Before she could fall, stumbling. Jennie immediately held her, and hugged her tight. Ella was laughing and wiggling.

Jennie kissed Ella's head,

"Pops will take Dada back to us, baby. He will." Her voice cracked as tears began to form in her eyes.

"Ma'am, lunch is ready."

Jennie wiped her tears and lifted Ella, guiding her to the kitchen.

"Can you prepare the pool later? My friends will be coming over." Jennie put Ella on her High chair.

"Yes ma'am."


"Jendeuk! Where's Ella?" Jisoo shouted as she and Seulg, together with Amber entered the house.

Jennie glared.

"She's sleeping in our room, shut up! and where are the others?" 

"On their way." Amber answered.

They walked past the living room and went straight to the pool area where the maids are still preparing for the barbeque grill, wines and tables.

Minutes has passed and they're already doing the barbeque while Jisoo, Seul and Amber started dipping in the pool, having fun. This moment right here makes Jennie forget about the situation she's in. She wanted to rest from thinking about Lisa, and this is what she needed.

"Hey," Came Krystal. She is now doing modelling in their very own clothing line. Her sister and Krystal started doing business for about almost a year now. And it's no surprise that they are successful in their chosen career.

"Hey." Jennie smiles. 

"You know, you look happy today." She pointed which made Jennie chuckle.

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