Beomgyu takes a deep breath, searching for any conclusion.

"Sir, Joshua...maybe we should just tal-"

Joshua jounce the other's shoulder by shoving it back and forth until he gruffly pins the male body on the wall again.


The latter takes the knife off the broken left wall and cuts a little scar on the angelic looking face of the younger. His squirky smile grows in satisfaction.

"Haha, you should take a look in the mirror. You just resemble this one last look your daddy gave me before...well...I KILLED HIM, IT'S GONNA BE A DEJA VÚ! IT'S YOUR FATE I GUESS!"

Beomgyu blood boils through his bloodstream, he could feel his red liquid flooding around his entire body, heating it up. He grates his ivories to try on restrain of anger and voilent.

"Don't do anything today? Such a weak, you make it too easy for me, huh? Then let's make it..." Joshua mumbles.

He lounges his arm only to aim the penkofe right into Beomgyu's forehead.


Just before the older male could prints mercyless the knife onto the forehead, Beomgyu succeed to loose off the strong grip around his torso and dodges just in time.

Beomgyu smiles at himself as he sees the knife slides deeply into the wall, giving him time to run away.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! COME BACK!!" Joshua yells, let go off the one penknife sticking on the wall and instantly pulls out another one from his pocket to throw it at Beomgyu's direction.

Even though the knife misses its victim, it still negociate on brushing lightly the black blazer sleeve, cutting a big hole in. Beomgyu halts after he gasps about the pain on his arm, grabbing it go his dear life as he squints his eyes.

What is making his heart skipping some beats is that his arm starts to bleed terribly which kinda ruins the blazer.

Joshua keeps pushing away tables, chair, and more only to match up the other's pace.

Meanwhile, Beomgyu tries on stumbling his way to the eterance as fast as possible but what's stopping him is a something heavy hits his occiput from behind.

He got hit with an chair.

Tumbling, while praying for some coming help, he hisses there on the ground, rolling back and forth. The mentallic blood even creates its own pond already.

"Mr. Kim, have you do it alread- oh."

Beomgyu perks his ears deligently at the familiar voice. He turns over on the floor and oh lord he can't believe who he meet.

Tony enters the room.

"Teddy bear? You're still alive? Not bad, i thought you are almost gone." Tony sneers, approaching Joshua with a smugg smirk.

"H-how could you?! I thought we are good now, but you just lied in my face all the fucking time??!"

"Oh did i hurt you so much? I didn't know... ugh tsk, yeah, what did you expect? Why should i befriend you? You don't deserve any love because i do! You heard me? I do, not you! ONLY ME."

Tony tosses towards the laying male on the ground who is groaning in serious pain. With his index finger  he force the brunette to look at him by tilting the face at him in a quarter degree.

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