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It's been three days since the incident happened.

The rumour is still the hottest topic in the social network and Beomgyu can only burst his head at the amount of bugging, stress provoking rumour that began to shed from hundreds of the quarters neighborhood to thousand in entire korean state until today, more than millions of people around the world.

"So, the next press conference would be in one week. We- i mean you should prepare beforehead on what you will gonna say. Everything must be perfect on that day since it will be the last conference before the actual movie premiere will be hold." Manager says sternly, doesn't dares on sparing a glimpse at the brunette actor.

Beomgyu smacks his lips, heaves out a long, a really long soundless sigh at the man's enraged demeanor.

"Are you still mad at me because i ran outside without your permission?"

Manager Jun ceases his movement on paging through his note book, still not looking at the brunette but in the papers.

"No, it's because a truck drove over my ass, hell nah what does it look like?!" his voice becomes rough and a bit scratchy.

The bitterness lingers around the room.

Beomgyu purses his lips, looking down as he plays with his fingers, doesn't know what to do. He hates those unpleasant, a genuinely nerve wrecking silent between him with any person when they are in one room, alone.

"Why?" the elderly man's voice, which sounds tenuous, echoes through the room before the deep silent breaks in again.

A knot forms in the young actor's throat after he keeps repeating this simple yet stiff word over and over again.

A rush of guilty sinkens deeply in his heart, making it heavier than it was before.

"Why did you do this? For what god sake did you do this? This circumstance was not the place to prove everyone that you are able to handle mature."

Beomgyu smacks his lips, closing his eyes to search for the right words that don't have the urge to provoke the elder in the smallest ways.

He doesn't feel like to make his manager more mad when he is already in his activative devil mood.

"I understand-"

"You don't! Because what you've did was not at all mature! What were you even thinking about doing such a stupity?! You just have to-" manager Jun immediatly mutes himself as he realise what he just said.

Breathing out a sigh which comes out from his bottom chest, he approaches the brunette, making himself comfortable on the chair.

"Beomgyu-ssi, listen. I was worried, worried that you might getting hurt like... look at this."

Beomgyu tentative extracts the ipad device from the man's grip, eyeing the display of the recent article which presents this dreadful occurrence.

"I can't imagine what will happen if someone might touch you or hurt you when they just want answers."

This is a disaster, a whole disaster and what the brunette can do is only to watch the media acting all crazy while his fans spreading the rumour further.

People would say it's easy to control this situation if they are in his shoes anyway but the only one who knows the actual reason better than everyone is he himself.

But he doesn't know it either.

Beomgyu scrolls down the online article, a big, hot teardrop streams down his cheek, floping on the device.

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