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He could collapse anytime. 'Collapse' may sounds flamboyant but it perfectly describes his state at this moment; collapse, like a watermelon  blown up into watery pieces - well, the scenery seems loathsome. The imagine is up to you.

Beomgyu checks himself on the rearview mirror, fixing his curtain cutted bangs. He stares at his mirror self, gliding his hand through his hair. All he sees is a young man looking anxious as ever just by telling on his eyes which holds a glistery shine, his lense shaking uneasy.


Why is feeling anxious though? He should be the happiest human this day, because they will go on their first date.

Eventhough they had met eachother often, their friends also show up everytime. So today it is basically their day, alone.


Beomgyu gets off his car, locking it before he makes his way to their meeting place. Their personal favourite place; behind the alley on the brick wall.

Steps over steps, walking further, memories of them together pop up causing Beomgyu to snickers a dreamy smile. It is where they shared their deepest fear, open up their secrets, where they almost had their first kiss, where he started to develop his feeling towards Taehyun. That makes this place so special to him.

He fastens his pace, eyeing the brick wall from afar. Nothing could stop him now. He found his happiness.
And his happiness is already waiting for him in front of the wall.

"I heard you're a great actor."

"Think about it."

Beomgyu retards his track. It is true he had think about it and still does. It just doesn't want to leave his head. A fake reliationship? Never would he accept it.

Taehyun seems to overlooked this video and it better should stashes in its hideaway. The luck that he is most of the time off the media network singe he has to prepare for his presingle. But that won't last forever. And Beomgyu is aware of it. What if-

"Beomgyu! Hey, are you alright?" Taehyun waves at the brunette who is staring blankly, deep in his thoughts.

"H-hey, uh yes i'm fine. Let's go." Beomgyu stutters, grabbing Taehyun's hand, which makes the younger slightly blush.

"So where is it going to be?"

"Let's say...I know you'll like it."


"No way." Taehyun gasps, looking out of the car window,"We're going to a funfair!?"

Sadness showers over Beomgyu, feeling dissapointed by his choice. He hoists soundless, gnashing his teeth.

"Shi- Don't you like it? We can turn around and go to a luxurious restaura-"

"No don't." the younger instantly touches the mullet's hand to prevent him from his trade,"I-i like it, it's just my first time on a funfair."

Beomgyu cracks up a smile,"Glad to spend your first time with me there."

"But won't people recognize us? Some does have eagerly power of vision. Somehow scary."

"Wait I prepared these." Beomgyu reveals two couple basket cap along with two black face masks,"We can at least take out the mask if nobody's looking" he puts on the cap on the younger's head, flipping its hood of the sweater over the blonde head.
And so does Taehyun, putting on the basket cap on the older's head but to that he pushes down the cap deeper almost cover the tip of the auricle.

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