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Soobin flinches away from the plushie pillow, holding his wrinkled arms over his chest as his upper body inverts slightly, his eye lenses wandering around its space.

His heart shaped pair of lips pouts a trifle which makes Yeonjun only more soft inside.

"Darling, Soobin! What are you doing here?! I'm sorry, did i made you frightened? I didn't mean it..."

Yeonjun runs towards the bristling male, softly snuggling his chin on his shoulder, his nostril reeks the warm scent of parfume and car conditioner.

Soobin also embosoms the other with a mellifluous smile.

The tall male riddles his chin on the other lean shoulder, reveling the pretty sharing moment. His smile gets even more broad as he sense a nose digs into his crook.

"How are you?" Yeonjun ask softly.

He makes cycling movements with his index finger around the broad back, still clinging on his boyfriend.

Soobin nervously releases an airy breath, having to force him to answer. A heavy weight humps on him, making him only arousing a weak hum as he chucks the pillow at somewhere.

The meaning of somewhere is Taehyun.

Soobin glances to his left, inspecting Taehyun being knock by a fluffy thing but he seems unbothered since he doesn't spends his attention to them but on his phone, scrolling.

Thereby, Taehyun rather pretend to do so.

As soon as he recognizes Soobin, he is instantly awared that this guy is a best friend of his ex. It feels weird somehow, being surrounded by his ex's friends even though they did nothing.

In fact, he distants himself from Hueningkai either whereas he just catches up with the curly blonde for a while ago.

"Just don't look at him, just don't dare to lay your eyes on him!", Taehyun warns himself a lot of times.

But there he could recur these words over and over again, at the last minute he have to tolerate with the fixing gaze on him.

He burrows his body under a cottony blanket, unwithering, keep on looking natural.

To not being bluntly obvious, he actually unlocks his screen. So many articles are waiting for him, already plaster in his entire social networks. His temper boils at the amount of fans sharing their thoughts on the recent dating news.

"Seems like he is good without me", Taehyun mumbles under his breath.

Although he still feels someone darting his eyes on him such as a target, he abides dissmisive, not sparing a glance to the heartwarming, clinging couple in the entrance.

He takes one last look at the comments below the article before switching to his galery. Searching for the certain collection, he doesn't stop himself on deleting each particular photo and videos of Beomgyu and him together.

Every deletion, occasionates his finger fidgety. Seeing the deletion symbol appearing on his screen and the loading sign cause him on having a feeling of regret. Every deletion makes him sick such like a knife stambs into his chest deeper and deeper.

But he collects all the guts to continue until he halts on the last picture — a secret taking picture of Beomgyu in the ferris wheel. The brunette hasn't his eyes on him, just focusing the breathtaking view from the outside. All before the disaster got to happen.

Being vulnerable inside and outside doesn't make him live easier.

"Um hey, i better go now." the blonde mumbles as he is slowly about to leave the room.

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