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[At the dorm , 08:37 p.m]

"So this is how it feels like to be a grandpa."

He told the elderly lady that he was fine, yes he lied. His back hurts badly as if his bones could disintegrate anytime.

Beomgyu has reach his dorm. His dorm a shared with Soobin and Hueningkai for almost 4 years, since his mother throw him out. The detention wasn't supposed to last forever but Beomgyu decided by himself that he want to live independently. Since his dad ran away and his brother participated an exchange in australia, he didn't have someone but his mother and he honestly didn't feel well whenever he was with her alone.

The thought of his mother, of her state hours ago, the slap he earned from her and the words that keep haunting in his head, makes him sick.

"And i thought we'll be in good terms again." Beomgyu mumbles after releasing a deep sigh. He wishes that this day doesn't exist. But he can't deny the fact that even besides the fight with his mother and the terrible afternoon, he met him.





"Guys, chill a bit! You mffbdx-"

Beomgyu was welcoming with lots of arms embracing him tightly. Maybe a bit too tightly since he has been pressed body to body with bunch of people that he even almost chokes at his own breath. It looks like his poor bone will have to suffer later.

"Gosh who stamps his goddamn bigfoots on my feet?! IT HURTS." Soobin complains, holding the pain back, slowly losing his balance.

"G-guys i can't-"

Beomgyu was swept to the ground along with all his friends who joined the big group hug ,that resembles as a 6 ft. big basketball made of human.
Beomgyu exhales and inhales in an inregulary tempo first , touching bis chest ,he finally can breath properly now.



"What took you so long by the way? Even i could make it faster than you." Ryujin sips on her drink and leans against the wall, glancing to her stepbrother.

"Something distracted me on my way." Beomgyu on the other hand doesn't dare to glance at her. He instead stick his focus on his birthday cake Soobin brought for him.

Hours, many hours had passed and there they are enjoying their night by hanging out together and just chatting along.

"Guys let's play truth or dare!" Hueningkai suggest ,"Come and join the circle."

"So yall know the rules." Soobin hands a empty soju glass bottle, placing it in the middle of the seating cycle.

Truth or dare, one of their favourite games they love to play everytime they hanging up with the whole friend's squad. Speaking of the squad, initially it constisted of only Soobin, Beomgyu and Hueningkai.
By the time Hyunjin just joined in, he was after all a good friend of Beomgyu. Jeongin and Sunghoon were included to the group since Hyunjin introduced them. Due the fact that Beomgyu is somehow related with Ryujin because she became his sister, she started to be with them often. Juhee is the newbie there.

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