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Should it supposed to be a belated 1st april fool?

How could a only twenty seconds clip arouse amount of people in just a split of time? 

Beomgyu claws the device firmly, sinking into the leaning chair. With his mouth gapping slightly apart, he mantains to stay quiet by repeating the video clip frequently,"I-i don't understand"

"Well you don't need to because this." Joshua gestures to the screen,"This is what swirls around the media right now."

Joshua rises up from his seat, slipping his hands into his dress pants pocket as he strolls around the office until he accomplishes the window, observing the outdoor.

"And i like it."

Beomgyu glimpes at the middle aged man's back, taking the ipad down to his lap as his forehead wrinkles.

"A coffee?" Joshua turns around, asking the brunette who keeps his mouth shut, dark lense of his wide eyes waggling. He just shakes his head tautly.

Joshua grinds his teeth,"You sure? We got a new espresso machine which make the best coffee. Don't want to t-"

"Sir I'm sorry but what did you mean by 'i like it'?" Beomgyu states appalled, crossing his legs as he beholds a serious aura on its facial.

"Sir? Why so formal?"

The older male chuckles grumpy, sipping on his cup of hot expresso while making his way back to his office table. He props himself up by resting his straight line arms onto the desk, glances to the ipad perching on the young actor's lap before a smugly grin crosses over his lips.

"Why i like it? Are you still living in the 80's? A attention stealer is it. The public is interested in those kind of news nowdays. Just take a look in the comment section."


Holy molly i knew it all along!! Couple of the century!!

Peanut butter the best
What in the world did i just watched??💀

Tbh they're kinda cute together idc idc

I don't know what to write

Sheeeesh what did i missed guys? Someone plz tell me 

F*cking keep it low_tq
Omo new fav couple founded😍


Choi Odi_05
I love Soobin ♡

My Juhee×Tony heart rn :')

Yall tell me are they real??


[122k more comments]


Beomgyu remains quite, not daring to peer a look at Joshua standing infront of him. A lump forms in his throat in which he is gulping continually, almost coughing at the dryness that extended onwards.

"You remind me of a good friend i had known. Like in those teeny school life on TV, he was technically the handsome yet attractive football player being admired by everyone, such a cliché i know, just take it as a picture in your imagination. He was outstanding because of his big capturing almond formed eyes, his snub nose and his freckles. He was natural talented, means he was good in everything he did and he knew it. The good boy took the chance to pour out his talent and so he became a celebrity crush as an artist. He dated an actress and after the night, his life wasn't the same like yesterday. Numbers were rising, he was loved by so many people."

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