She looks stunning.

Knowing they both had to walk in the the same path, he smiles faintly at her, snaking his arm around her waist to let the paparazzi taking few photos of them.

Only by his hidden gloomy face Juhee could sense it so she snuggles her cheek against his shoulder edge to calm him down by whatever it is. Beomgyu snaps slightly at her, an grateful smile sets on his lips.

Either the paparazzi or the fans squeal at the pose they are holding now. The fans coes at the overloading cuteness as Juhee bonks simply her head against the male's shoulder while the muscular arm still rest around her waist, tighter.

The cameraflash blinds them fully but they just brush it off with glamorous smile while holding themselves dear life.

"Choi Beomgyu, Kim Juhee are you both excited about the movie release??"

"Yes, very excited. Right honey?" Juhee ask sweetly, gazing at him with adoring eyes.

How much he wants to paint away the pain in his eyes. Her calling him out with a sweet tone, pricks his skin such as thousand mosqito stiches. He scouts her beautiful glace sleek face from any little details. The apple formed cheeks and the endearing smile conceal the anguish. But the eyes always tell the truth.

Beomgyu hums at her. The words doesn't want to leave his taped mouth somehow.

Many other reporters continue on asking questions without taking a breath first, almost inhumane. Sigh after sigh can be heard under his breath but only Juhee is the person who is actually able to hear it.

"Kiss!! KISS, KISS!!"

At this, both of them releases a nervous chuckle, looking at each other.

Before anything could move an inch, Beomgyu pulls precipitantly the female by her waist, pecking on her lip corner.

Numerous of clicking sounds follow along with a scary harmony backround squealing.

"Excuse me."

Manager Jun taps the male on his shoulder, earning a tiny startled yelp. The man crimps himself inbetween them from behind.

"Kim Joshua wishes you to gather to the backstage room. There is something he wants to say before the premiere officially begins." manager Jun whispers into both of their ears.

They nod shortly before leaving the red carpet, bowing and waving one last time. They head towards the backstage room. His mind rent free as he takes each step towards with Juhee and manager Jun by his side.

As they arrive at the backstage room, they are greeted by the rest of the cast who are already waiting for them.

"Gyu, Ju! Hey, what's up?" Soobin and Hueningkai send regards, joining them at the entrance.

"Great, i guess. How's Yeonjun hyung though?" Beomgyu ask.

"I spent my whole day with him yesterday and i even helped him packing his suitcase. This baby didn't know what he should pack in though, so this weren't boring hours." Soobin sneakers as he remembers the poutedly lips on Yeonjun's lips.

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