"You thought you can run away? Scrab this!"

The raider cups the male's chin with one hand after turning him around, pressing his upper body down the ground to let the wound hit the branches and wet leafes.

Nevertheless, the one male doesn't let himself lower his level and prints the one penknife deeper into the other upper arm.  

"Let's end this, Choi."

The attacker is on his way to slit the actual knife into the other's chest but the victim keeps on holding both of his arm in the air, trembling.

"N-no, please cut it here. You really want to do this?"

"Yes, now shut up!!"

The assailant keeps on thrusting the knife towards while grinning creepily.

"Honey? Is it you?!" a female voice rings into the injured male's ear, causing him to form a smile of hope on his lips.

He immediatly get up, pulling his raider aside as he eyes the woman also smiling at him in facilitation.

She is about to rush towards the man as suddenly the male gasps, his eyes enlarge. The last sparkle in his face fades away, it gets pale instead.

The knife went through his chest from behind.



Beomgyu jolts up from his bed.

He sighs in relief as he takes a look around his area. A feeling of gratefulness perfuse down his spin as he sack back on the mattress, trenching himself into the mound of blanket.

"It was just a nightmare." the brunette mutters under his breath, chuckling at his silliness of thinking it was even real.

He smears away the sweat pearls off his forehead, streching his body to leave bed already.

His intrusive smile puffs away as he contemplates the nightmare. He panicky search for something to cuddle at since the imagine keeps haunting him. The teddy bear is placed platly on the nightstand so Beomgyu clutch at it, bringing it deep between his chest and knees.

Ever since the nightmare, the frisson never vanishes but just keeping on making his heart hammering out his rib.  

"Joshua..." he recalls the mentioning name, feeling the triggering goosebumps until his fingertips.

His brows knitten, his head hurts from trying to match any does yet he stillfinds himself running in a cycle.

"What does Joshua doing in his dream? And why did he beat up nother person? In conclusion, if the one man with the knife was Joshua, who was the other one? And who was the woman?", he ask his inner self.

He then looks at the teddy bear which smiles innocent friendly at him.

"Well, i guess you can't help me, right?"

"And you said that i talk with Molang is weird? I'm wheezing my ass."

Beomgyu averts his gaze at the already awake Hueningkai, who's causally laying on his bed, still in his pyjama.

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