Chapter 35: Two Years Later

Start from the beginning

We haven't really talked about what happened and I really needed to hear him say that. I lift my head and look him in the eye. "I'm not mad at you, I just hated seeing you like that. You looked so pale and small and I just hated it so much."

"I know, I know. But I'm right here, everything's alright."

I sigh and snuggle further into his hold, fully relaxing. He turns me so I can still see the movie and passes me a lollipop. I smile and settle in to watch the rest of the movie before falling asleep in my loving boyfriend's arms.

A couple of days later it's Saturday and Colton and I decided we should go out for supper since we haven't been on a date in a while. Colton told me to dress cute but of course, he's not telling me where we're going. Some things never change. For some reason, it took even longer than usual to figure out what to wear today because I want to look cute but also fancy in case we're going to a nice restaurant.

I finally decided on a knee-length light gray sweater dress, that is super cozy and cute. I pair it with some gray thigh-high boots and a cute pink hat with a huge pom on the top because I love pom poms. I lay everything out on the bed before taking a quick shower and doing my hair and makeup. I do a very soft makeup look and curl my hair in nice ringlets. Finally, I spray on my favorite perfume and get dressed. I look in the mirror and smile, I look pretty. 

Colton said he wanted to pick me up like we used to even though he lives here. I find it sweet. I sit on the couch and wait for him, a few minutes there's a knock on the door. I open the door and smile. Colton is wearing a black suit with a dark blue tie that was a gift from me.

"Wow, you look amazing," I tell him, giving him a hug, "I feel very underdressed now."

"No, you look perfect. You're beautiful."

I grin at him and blush. He still makes me blush every time he compliments me. "You know, you told me you'd never wear this," I say, smoothing out his tie.

"I know but I wanted to dress up for you tonight."

"Well, you look very handsome. Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, I'll grab our coats."

He comes back with our trench coats because we were feeling cheesy that day. His is black and mine is pink. We slip them on then I grab my purse and we head out. We hop in the car and Colton starts to drive, our joined hands resting on the center console. Colton seems a bit nervous. His hand is clammy and he's squeezing my hand tightly.

"Are you ok," I ask?

"Yeah, I'm perfect, Sweetheart. We're almost there," he replied.

A few minutes later we pulled up to a small restaurant. Colton comes around and opens my door for me and guides me inside. The waitress leads us to our table on the patio outside. The patio is so pretty, it's covered in fairy lights and all the tables are covered in white table cloths. There are also little vases of roses on each table.

"Wow, this is so beautiful," I say, settling into my chair.

"I know, it's really pretty. I saw it one day when I went for a walk and thought you would like it. So um they have a bit of everything here but I did a little bit of research and apparently, the spaghetti and meatballs are really good here. You can get whatever you want though." I notice he's starting to talk really fast. He's nervous, I wonder why?

"Spaghetti sounds great Colt," I reassure him, grabbing his hand across the table.

He squeezes it lightly. "Ok, so how about we get a large order with some garlic bread. Does that sound ok?"

"That sounds great," I replied.

Dinner is lovely. We eat, talk, and laugh like we always do and it's great. For dessert, we split a huge skillet cookie with ice cream on top. After we're finished Colton pays the bill and we hop in the car and head to our next surprise destination. We arrived at a huge park in the middle of London. You can see Big Ben and the London Eye and it's absolutely beautiful. Colton grabs my hand and leads me over to a gazebo that's covered in string lights. They hang down and shine and sparkle like stars.

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