“I’m not sure I have anything to say to you right now.” I whisper.

“Will you listen if I talk?” Now that Nina is gone I no longer feel the need to be strong, threatening or brave, the adrenaline has worn off and now my emotions are starting to catch up. I shrug my shoulders, do I want to hear anything he has to say.

“I just want to know why… wait.” Something clicks in the back of my head. “What did she show you?” Liam had said that the connection between them had surfaced because of something she had shown him.

“I… it was… I was stupid Scar.”

“What did she show you Liam.” I say gritting my teeth. He sighs and points that serious Alpha gaze at me, his postures straightens and it reminds me how much taller he is, how much stronger.

“She showed me pictures.” I wait in the silence but I am not a fan of this dramatic build up.

“Pictures of…”

“Of you and your best buddy.” He laughs dryly and the sound prickles down my spine.

“I assume you don’t Mandy.” He laughs harder, this horrible, fake, chuckle.

“Not quite.”

“Adam.” I whisper.

“Bingo. You and him, it’s always you and him.”

“Here we go again.”

“Except this time there is photo evidence.”

“What were these pictures of?” He pulls his phone out and throws at me, I almost drop it in surprise. Looking down at the bright screen I flick through his camera roll, but have to wipe it every few seconds as rain drops blurs the images. I hadn’t even noticed that it had started to rain.

There are a number of different images all taken on different days. Me and Adam walking arm in arm (after dress shopping), me and Adam, covered in mud, me locked in his arms trying to break free (the day Nina found us training), me and Adam, in the library, my head in his lap, and of course, me and Adam in the ballroom tonight, him leaning close to my ear in what looks like a cosy scene with secret whispers (when really he is chastising me). Nina has been busy, I will give her that. “I see.” I throw his phone back and he rolls it around in his hands.

“Is that all you have to say?”

“I don’t know what else to say. Except that I can’t take much more of this.”

“Excuse me?”

“Your paranoia, your jealousy, your insecurities. I can’t take it anymore, before you came into my life I had barley even kissed a guy let alone anything else but you” I point at him for effect “you seem to think that I run off with any guy that I get remotely close too. I can’t live a life where my motives are always questioned. There is no trust there.”

“I never even had insecurities until you came along! I didn’t give a shit what people did until you, I didn’t get jealous until you, no one could hurt me until you, you have done this to me.”

“How have I become the bad guy here Liam? I have done nothing wrong, Adam and I are friends, close friends yes but nothing else. Whilst you… well you cheated on me. Who knows how far that would have gone if I hadn’t interrupted. Sorry about that by the way.” I throw in sarcastically.

“I know.”

“Is that all you have to say?”

“My mum warned us that this would happen. She said that the mark would make my behaviour unpredictable” I scoff.

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