Chapter 1: The Origin

Start from the beginning

Narrator(me): Meggy just woke up from long night

Meggy: *yawn*

Narrator(me):  Meggy walking down the stair to the kitchen.

Meggy: Good morning mom, Good morning dad.

Mr.Spletzer and Mrs.Spletzer: Good morning sweetie.

Meggy: Mom Dad Can I go to the play ground at the park.

Mr.Spletzer: Sure sweetie but you can go after you have breakfast.

Meggy: Ok dad.

Narrartor(me): After her breakfast Meggy go outside to go to the playground


Mario: Dad!

Mr.Jumpsman: Yes?.

Mario: I'm bored.

Mr.Jumpsman: Maybe try goin' for a walk?

Mario: but that's a lot of exercise and I don't wanna do it.

Mrs.Jumpsman: Mario listen to your dad and do what he say.

Mario: Ok fine I'll go for a walk.

Narrator(me): Mario got up from his bed and walk out the door.

Mario(thought): where should I go? eh I'll just go to the park.

*at the playground in the park*

Meggy: *humming a song while making a toy house*

???: Hey! you!

Meggy:*turning her head toward the sound* hmmm?

Wario: What are you doing here:? This my spot.

Meggy: but I got here first so this is my spot.

Wario: No, this is my spot because I want it and no one ever steal my spot.

Meggy: But You can't just-


*Wario hit Meggy*

Meggy: Ouch! what was that for!?

Wario: Get out of my spot NOW!!!!

*Wario kicks Meggy's Toy houses and broke it*

Meggy: NO Mr.Squiddy's House.


Meggy: Ok I'll g-

Wario: time's up! Brother!

Waluigi: Yes? Brother.

Wario: Make sure it hurts.

Waluigi: As you wish.

Narrator(me): As Wario and Waluigi about to attack Meggy look like she has no chanc-

???: Hey!!!

Meggy, Wario, Waluigi: *turn their head towards the voice*

???: What do you think you're doing get away from her.

Wario: and Who do you think you are? telling me to do what you say.

Mario: I'm Mario.

*A quiet moment for about few seconds then Wario and Waluigi start to laugh out loud*

Wario: YOU?! gonna stop me *laughing* Think again red boi you can't beat me because you don't even know how to fight *laughing so hard*

Waluigi: Yeah and YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO DO ANYTHING *laughing so hard*

Narrator(me): while the Wa brothers are laughing Mario is alittle bit sad of the words that they said. Meggy witnessing this gave her anger and punch Wario right in the guts.

Meggy: Hey! You can't just go around and making fun of people.

Mario: Yeah and We will make you learn your lesson.

Wario and Waluigi: uh oh.

Narrator(me): Meggy and Mario start attack the Wah brothers. and eventually the Wah brothers run away and crying.

Mario: yeah that's right don't mess with anyone again. Hey are you okay?

Meggy: I'm okay, hey thanks for standing up for me. say what's your name again.

Mario: Oh It's Mario.

Meggy: Mayro?

Mario: Mario.

Meggy: Maryo.

Mario: It's MA-RI-O

Meggy: Wow your name kinda hard to say, I'll call you Red! cause You clothes mostly are red and It's easy to remember.

Mario: Ok. and What is your name?

Meggy: My name is Meggy.  hey wanna help me build a house for Mr.Squiddy.

Mario: Who?

Meggy: Mr.Squiddy. My favorite dolls. So? you wanna?

Mario: I don't know, I'm kinda busy today but uhm....

Meggy: Come on. 

Mario: Ok fine.maybe a little bit of fun will stop me from being bored.

Narrator(me): Mario and Meggy making a house for Mr.Squiddy. it went pretty well actually.

Meggy: Wow  It's so big.

Mario: I know right We've been building it like 3 hours. It's  huge this is not a house it's a castle.

Meggy: Yeah, I know.*look down at her watch* oh It's time for me to head home. I'll see you tomorrow Mario. Bye.

Mario: Ok bye Meggy.

Narrator(me): They  both about to walk back to their home but-

Meggy: Ouch!

Mario: *turn to see Meggy* Meggy Are you ok?

Meggy: I'm fine just a little scratch on my knee.

Mario: *look at Meggy's knee and see a big wound* That's not a scratch, That's a beeg wound. Come on let me help you get back home

Meggy: No, It's ok.

Mario: No No No, let me help you.

Narrator(me): Mario carry Meggy on his back and walk to her home.

Mario: Wow I actually kind surprise that we live across each other.

Meggy: *look at the house on the opposite side and point at it* Is that your house?

Mario: Yep, that's my house.

Meggy: Oh cool. I'll see you around Mario.

Mario: You too Meggy.

Narrator(me): They both went back home and tell their parents that they make new friend. of course that make Parents from both side very happy. There's not gonna be anything interesting next so they do some stuff (like playing, reading a comic book or anything that kids like to do) sometimes they peek out the window and say hi to each other and that's it for now

Note from the Writer:

To all of you who expecting the high school love story I just wanna say don't worry the school story is coming up and if you have any question write down in the comment and I'll answer as much as I can.  also Merry Christmas to y'all.

So Peace Out.

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