Chapter 1 Help

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  • Dedicated to Remmy (MegaTheSurfer)

Hey guys! This is my first story so be gentle please? I appreciate any constructive criticism any of you may have for me. I hope you enjoy! ^_^

PewDiePie (Felix)


I was editing my video for Mad Father and became lost in my thoughts. Marzia and I had been growing further apart lately. I was still deeply and completely in love with her but she just seemed so distant all of a sudden. I was worried that she would decide to break it off. Later today my worst fears came true. She told me to meet her in the living room when I got a chance because we needed to "talk". I quickly finished uploading my last video and walked into the living room.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concern and a little fear tinting my voice. She gestured for me to sit down next to her on the large sofa.

"Felix... I-I don't know how to say this but....we've been growing apart quite a bit lately ....and I think we should take a break. You know see other people? I'm really really terribly sorry Felix. Please don't take this the wrong way. Its obvious that our relationship hasn't been going anywhere but down." She explained in a cold but slightly shaky voice.

I sat there, shocked. For a while I couldn't say anything.  I just kept going over her words in my head over and over and over again. It felt like I would go mad if I had to listen to one more re-run of her speech. After what seemed like hours she put her hand on my shoulder and lightly shook me.

"Are you okay?" Marzia asked

"I'm fine." I lied. She seemed oblivious to the extreme grief I was experiencing.

"Felix.... Maybe you should try to find a new place to stay because it would probably be awkward for you to stay with my parents and I any longer than necessary."

"Okay" I said to her. It seemed like I was only capable of one word responses at the moment so that's what I stuck with. I got up in a daze and left the room to pack my things. It was clear by the way she'd said it that I wasn't welcome anymore. After I had packed all of my things I took a long, hot shower to clear my mind. She didn't love me anymore.... she didn't want me around. I thought we were going through a rough patch but I guess she didn't take it that way at all. After my shower I got dressed in my Bro Fist t-shirt and blue jeans. I began to cry. I had to keep quiet so no one would hear me and come to see what was wrong so I stayed silent. After awhile I stopped crying and tried to man up. I told myself that I shouldn't cry over her. That she wasn't worth it but I knew inside that I was just lying to myself. I needed a distraction so I decided to check my Skype and see if Cry, my best friend, was on-line. I desperately needed to talk to someone, anyone.

Cry (Ryan)


I had just finished uploading the very last Haunting Ground. Man, I missed Hewie already. I saw that I had a Skype call from Pewds and smiled. I always enjoyed talking to him. When I accepted the call though I knew immediately that something was very wrong. He looked like he had been crying. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair, even though he looked to have just taken a shower, looked disheveled in a way. He seemed sad, like someone had just died or something.

"What's the matter Pewds?" I asked. He sighed and looked even more beat up than before.

"Marzia and I just broke up." He said. My face registered complete shock and pity and I was glad he couldn't see my face because of my mask. If he had been able to see the pity in my eyes, it would have made him feel even worse. Even now I could see tears beginning to fall. He really loved her and she had hurt him. How could anyone do something so cruel?

"We grew apart and she decided we should see other people." He continued, fighting off sobs as he spoke. "It's not her fault so don't blame her okay, Cry?" His voice breaking as he said my name. His face was becoming more and more tear stained with each moment that passed and I longed to comfort my friend and make his tears stop.

"She wants me to leave as soon as possible, Cry. I don't know where I'm going to stay..." He said.

"You could stay with me!" My own enthusiasm shocked even myself when I said that.

"Oh, no Cry I couldn't do that. It would be rude of me to have you take me in." He replied.

I quickly told him that it would be no trouble at all and for him to come down to Florida right away.

"It will be a great distraction from her and it would be really fun too." I assured him.

"Alright, alright Cry! Florida here I come." He said with a small smile. I was ecstatic that I had been able to stop Pewds' crying and that I would finally get to meet him in person. It wasn't until after I hung up the call that I realized the flaws to my plan. Pewds had never seen my face before. How would I be able to keep my secret for the entire time he was here? I couldn't, could I?

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