07. Arthur and Tessia

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Arthur Leywin POV

After eliminating all the slave traders and expelling the forest hounds by taking advantage of the smell of blood as well as the corpses of the slave traders, I ran in the footsteps of a slave trader who left his comrade just before I was about to start my sneak attack at night. Leaving the carriage — and the girl in it — for the time being.

Damn, where is he? I'm pretty sure that guy went this way. And his gaze seemed to be chasing something that was of interest to him, so much so that he didn't even notice that all of his comrades had been wiped out in the middle of this desolate misty forest.

I tried to use the mana rotation technique that Sylvia taught me to absorb the mana around me while still being able to move freely.

The knife I got from Pinky remains in my hand. Continue to run following the wizard's faint footsteps while remaining alert to the surroundings.

Well, it shouldn't be a problem if I leave this place right away after freeing the elf girl on the carriage, after all the mage would definitely not notice. Even if he did, it would surely be when I was quite far from here.

But the feeling wasn't good, like—

"See what this is? I found another sack of my gold! You must be worth more than that blonde elf girl!"

Hearing that voice, I immediately sharpened my hearing and turned my attention towards the source of the sound, I put on a wary attitude while I began to swiftly step closer to it.

A man's voice. From his words, could there be another elf he captured?

Trying to hold back my irritation, I put mana into my legs and jump effortlessly up the tree.

Giving my eyes a bit of mana as I continued to walk closer, I could see a man standing in front of an elf girl who seemed to be younger than me.

I subconsciously clenched my jaw and tightened my grip on the knife when I saw how disgusting that man was. Selling a child who is just past the age of a toddler. Absolutely disgusting.

Trying to erase my presence, I readied the knife in my hand and coated it with Mana. Strengthened my legs with Mana and immediately jumped from the top of the tree towards the slave trader with the knife in my hand aiming directly at the slave trader's neck.

In one slash, a stream of blood immediately spurted out of his neck as I managed to slash straight at the slave trader's neck.

Landing behind him and supporting the slave trader's corpse that nearly fell on the little girl, I quickly pushed the man's corpse aside.

Keeping the knife back beside my body, I turned my attention to the little elf girl who had already passed out in front of me.

She's still very small. Her black hair and face were stained with the slave trader's blood, there were some minor injuries on her body, especially on her upper arm which I saw was tied with the slave trader's mana rope earlier. The knife next to her caught my attention. Was before she was tied with mana ropes, this girl tried to put up a fight? With this little body?

Gathering my thoughts, I immediately approached the elf girl and raised her body. Of course I didn't forget to bring this girl's knife.

While carrying this little elf, I walked back towards the carriage which contained another elf who was also almost sold into slavery.


After about a good hour had passed, the little elf girl I saved from the carriage finally calmed down. Anyways I don't blame her, she was a child and being forcibly kidnapped must have left her traumatized.

TBATE : Another FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora