01. Ana Grephin

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All my eyes are everywhere, only darkness is visible. Damn, I don't even feel that I'm alive.

I just feel there.

No matter how many times I tried to move my arms, legs, or body, I didn't even feel like I had them. The only thing I have right now is my mind.

Tossed about in the endless darkness — who knew how much time had passed.

Does not matter. This is no big deal. After all, haven't I felt this way before? When I first reincarnated after dying in my first life?

Wait, does that mean I will be reincarnated again? No, whatever it is, I don't think it matters. The only thing I have to worry about is keeping my mind well. I'm scared. What if I let my guard down and become lost in this darkness?

I am here. I'm alive... I mean at least my mind even if right now I don't have a body.

Constantly repeating these words, I tried to remain calm even though I was alone in this darkness.

Until finally I — mentally — heard or saw — I don't know — the question 'What do you want?'


It was the answer I reflexively mentally said. It was also the answer I answered the first time I reincarnated.

But what if I answered differently? I'm too scared to try, I'm a coward, I know. But I knew this one answer would determine — whether I would live, or would I join this darkness.

Still, I don't need to reconsider, do I? Even though my previous 2 lives weren't impressive, I'm enjoying life. So I obviously want to live.

After that, just as I remembered, white light filled my vision and also surrounded my body. Then I felt I lost consciousness.


The wood patterned ceiling was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes.

I remember that I died from an earthquake when I was about to read the novel The Beginning After The End, then the darkness... ugh I always get goosebumps every time I think about it. Well, for sure, I should be reincarnated again right?

I tried to wake myself up to sit up and saw my hands which had now turned into small white hands.

I guess instead of calling it rebirth, I should call it soul transfer. Hah.

I tried to stand up with difficulty using this small body. Looking around the room, I can see a mirror located in one corner of the room. I immediately stepped on my feet carefully and slowly headed there.

When I got there, I immediately looked in the mirror and was amazed by the reflection that was seen there.

A little girl—around 3 years old I think—who was very beautiful was seen in the mirror in front of me. Long wavy jet black hair without bangs and pretty eyes that were also black, skin as white as milk — it almost looked as if she had never been exposed to the sun once. Equipped with a thin green dress that fits perfectly on my body.

But my greatest concern was not that, but rather the pointed ears reflected there.

Oh my, was I born an elf?

Soft touch my long ear. I feel weird. In my previous two lives, I was born as a human, it feels a bit strange now that I am an elf. Although somewhat similar to humans if you exclude the difference in the ears.

A small smile appeared on my face. I think this life will be fun. I was born as someone new. What I know is based on the number of novels I read in my second life, elves have a different culture from humans. Thinking that I would learn even more new things, I couldn't help but flutter at the anticipation of it.

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