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It was Morning and Shaurya woke up early. He saw Anokhi sleeping next to him and the feeling was amazing. Her face was glittering like gold when sunlight was falling on it and he was reminiscing seeing her beauty.
He kissed her on forehead and went to freshen up. Anokhi woke up and saw Shaurya isnt there though was blushing realizing what happened last night.Suddenly her phone rang!!
It was Aastha's call, she was in Delhi and was asking Anokhi if she could meet her and Anokhi immediately respond Yes. Afterall her Aastha Mam was here and also she was really excited to tell her about Shaurya.
Excitingly she wrote a note for Shaurya stating that she has got some emergency...Will meet him in College and left.
Aastha Mam....Anokhi shouted in full excitement and hugged her.
How are you Anokhi and how was you Prelims, asked Aastha.
Everything was fine Mam and Prelims also went good but I've something else to tell you, replied Anokhi.
Listening to Anokhi about her and Shaurya Aastha was in mixed feelings.Ofcourse she was happy that her best student is gonna be her daughter-in-law but the consequences were really scary and after what happened with her she couldn't let that happen to Anokhi so she told her the reason of leaving Sabharwal Mansion and Shaurya.
Listening to that Anokhi was numb, her world,her expectations,her fantasies everything just went on hold.
I'll meet you afterwards Aastha Mam,I've some important work to do,told Anokhi and left for the college.But Aastha knew this silence of hers is before the storm and something unwanted is gonna happen so she called Shaurya but he wasn't interested in listening to her because of his hatred
Hey Anokhi.... Heyyy... Everyone greeted her but she was in another zone at that time. All she wanted was to talk to Shaurya and get some clarity.
She called him near her hostel so that there meeting will remain secret.
What happened Anokhi, why'd you called me in such hurry,you know I had to miss my class because of it, asked Shaurya.
Listen Shaurya I want to ask something really important from you and I expect genuine answer... Are you serious for me??
Anokhi,what sort of question is this.Ofcourse I'm serious for you, Honestly you're the only thing I'm seriou for in these years,replied Shaurya.
Anokhi got some hope from that answer and was expecting Shaurya to be the one she wanted so she asked Will you let me focus on my career if we'll ever get married Shaurya??
Shaurya was shocked. What just happened to her, why is she asking all these things right after an romantic night they spent... Such serious conversation!!
He wasn't ready for it and didn't replied.
Why you're quiet... I've asked you something,Will you let me persue my dreams,Will I be able to work after our Marriage,Shaurya,Anokhi asked angrily.
Listen Anokhi.. All these things are for future.why are we discussing it now?
We've just started dating,let's focus on our relationship,replied Shaurya.
But Anokhi wasn't satisfied with his answer.She again reciprocated.
We're dating or not depends on your answer Shaurya and same for our relationship and this isn't for future.Our future depends on this So now answer without wasting my time.
See Anokhi,My house is a bit orthodox and they don't like working women so I've no clue if they'll allow you or not But one thing's certain that I can't go against them cause I also believe that women should look after households and Men should work.
Listening to that Anokhi was shattered...Is he the same guy whom she thought is her Soulmate??
She gathered her courage and replied, this is what your mentality is... Really Shaurya!!
If that's what you think then you know me pretty well, why you came close to me, why you wanted to be with me, asked Anokhi.
Cause I love you Anokhi and I know why you wanted a career.It was because you left your family, house everything and you need money to survive.But when we'll get married there'll no need of money...We're Sabharwal's and you'll be a Sabharwal too!!
What else do you want,curiously asked Shaurya.
Anokhi was shattered.The one guy she had blind trust on didn't even understood that she wanted a career to prove herself,to have her own personality,to be independent not for Money!!
She with tears in her eyes told Shaurya that she can't be with him...She can't be another Aastha Sabharwal.Everyone has the right to take decisions of their own life and she doesn't want that freedom to be taken by any. They expected something else from each other and Shaurya thought she'll accept this act but she wasn't.
Okay, So this is all filled up in your mind by that Aastha Sabharwal right. I knew it..that woman can't see my happiness but Anokhi try to understand she left her son for her career and put my upbringing on sake, I don't want that happen with my child too. I want a secure future for him/her and for that one of us have to sacrifice our desires,told Shaurya.

Did you try to understand your mother for even once,the person who never fought for his mother is expecting me to understand him and there was pin drop silence

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Did you try to understand your mother for even once,the person who never fought for his mother is expecting me to understand him and there was pin drop silence.
Anokhi sarcastically,And why do you think that's gonna be me..Why can't it be you... Why can't you sacrifice your career if you're so worried about your child's upbringing,asked Anokhi.
Cause it's not a man's responsibility to look after children and house,it is designed for woman and you can't change age old norms,replied Shaurya. Both had some dark pasts. SHAURYA'S detachment from his mother made him like this and Anokhi left her house to persue her dreams and she didn't want to fall on the same track like Aastha. They both have their own reasons for their arguments but one thing was decided that she can't chose love over her career cause she'll regret it forever.
But seeing Anokhi leave Shaurya lost his calm.He was shocked seeing that Anokhi is leaving him for her dreams...He ran after her, pulled her towards him and requested to think of her decision and he'll ask for permission from his family but her anger fumed listening to the word 'Permission'. She doesn't need anyone's allowance to do anything in her life.She doesn't wants her life to be controlled by someone.
Atlast Shaurya gave up as he was madly in love with her and asked her for one chance...I'll try to do something in this Matter but don't just give up on our love so easily.
I've been had this perspective throughout my 20 years and I can't change this instantly!!
She was surprised seeing Shaurya's reply but it was a ray of hope so
She did trusted him once again... Cause deep down she loved him and wanted to be with him but had the fear of getting her pride suppressed over love.
It was the ultimate clash of perspectives they both had for 20 years of their lives and they took stand for what they believe...