Chapter 12 - A New Foe

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Y/n's P.O.V B/f/n = Best friends name f/c = favourite colour

Chatter can be heard outside my door. Ugh. I hate mornings, so much. I attempted to get out of the comfy f/c sheets wrapped around my body. Giving up after two minutes, I lay back down. ' ahhh I have to tell the others about that dream I had last night...' Finnaly forcing myself out of bed I try to quickly get dressed by getting into the first thing I pick up. I start walking down the halls, closing my eyes to yawn for a split second and ended up running into someone. I landed on my ass.

" Oow." I rub my backside a bit, " It's to early for this." I end up laying backwards, earning a chuckle from whoever I walked into.

" Glad your awake, was about to come and wake you up." It's was Cole, no wonder I fell over. He stretches his hand out to help me up.

" Thanks man." He helps lift me up from the floor and we head to the kitchen. Everyone is here, except for Sensei. ' Weren't they the loudest bunch a second ago?' I roll my eyes and sit between Jay and Kai, who had pretty much hogged all the food. " Come on guysssss, I'm hungry tooooooo." I whine, hoping it would make them feel guilty. It worked. They both gave little amounts of pancakes, bacon and anything else they thought I liked. ' Hehe, fools.' I ate what they gave me and waited for Sensei to get down to the dining room. Everyone kinda ignored me, not that I really mind right now since I'm trying to sike myself up for how I'm gonna tell them what happened last night. I feel a hand touch my left arm.

" Hey Y/n, you good? You look out of it." It was Kai, he looked at me with a worried expression. ' huh, did anyone else here me scream last night, or just Lloyd?' I smile.

" Yeah, I'm fine. How'd you sleep?" I ask, not really knowing what else to say.

" Eh, pretty good. Something loud woke me up but I just went back to sleep." ' So someone else did hear me.', " How about you? Have a good sleep?"

" Aha yeah, it was alright." I look away, seeing that Lloyd was staring at us. His face was contorted with sympathy but a longing look mixed in with it. ' What is he thinking about?' I give him a small smile and turn back to my breakfast. Everyone had already finished their breakfast, leaving me feeling awkward and anxious. ' Maybe it was just a bad dream... maybe it was nothing, that I just imagined it.' I think it myself, trying to calm my nerves. ' But how did that... thing know all that stuff, and my parents as well. I can't even remember much about them.' I didn't realise that my breath got quicker and I was fidgeting until someone put a hand on my right shoulder. Sensei Wu. His eyes lock with mine and it feels like he already knows the entire story. He nods sombrely, using his other hand to gesture towards the ninja. I sigh, ' I can't stop it now.'

" Pupils, Y/n has something to tell you all." Sensei addresses, which lead everyone to turn their heads in my direction. I gulp as my throat goes sore. ' My God, why is it so hard to tell them about a dream.' Lloyd catches my eye, and he mouthed " Don't worry." I cough to clear my throat.

" U-Um... well I had this very vivid nightmare last night, sorry to whoever I woke up." I gaze around at the group. None of them seemed mad, " But it felt so real, and I've had dreams like this before." They all glance at each other, then back at me. " Well in the dream there was a bump so I went to see what happened. The hallways looked extremely off but I thought I was just tired. When I got to the kitchen there was this one spot of bright light, almost as if it was waiting for me. I stepped into it and the room became pitch black. Granted I did get a little panicked but not as much as when I heard foot steps. I got into the fighting stance Cole taught me and prepared for an attack. And then, there stood this figure. Covered head to toe in silky black cloth, a mask covering their face."

Everyone seemed captured by my dream, I continue. " I was genuinely confused, because when they spoke it sounded so familiar but I couldn't pin-point it. They mentioned B/f/n... and My parents..." I stare at my feet, an empty feeling consuming me.
" Anyway, they mentioned stuff about me that I didn't even know. But they have some sort of plan, a plan to do something horrible to all of us. But in the dream some fog started to cover my sight and something disgusting grabbed my arm. I didn't see what it was but it made my heart feel icy cold." I heavily sigh as I finish the last of my explanation. ' God now I feel embarrassed.'

" So did you have any clue as to who it was?" I lift my head and looked at Zane. I shrug my shoulders.

" Never saw their face, plus even if the voice sounded familiar it was raspy and shit."

" No one ever said this would be easy. But we should be more worried about what they are going to do, instead if who they are." Cole states, earning a nice from all of us.

" Yeah, and if we don't know what they are planning we can't find a way to stop them." Jay hurriedly says, " Because you did say ' horrible' right? That they will do horrible things to us?" I nod in response. Jay giggles nervously and looks down at his feet, Nya grabs his hand.

" We've all gone through worse then whatever this person is trying to do-"

" Don't jinx us Nya." Lloyd interrupts Nya, his sentence earning a laugh out of all of us.

" OK, but seriously. We've all gotten through imaginable dangers, AND we are all still here. So I say, bring it on."!


Lloyd's P.O.V

When Y/n was explaining what happened in her nightmare last night, I see everyone look around with worried expressions. ' This isn't good...' I thought, pretty sure everyone is remembering what the prophecy foretold.

" We've all gone through worse then whatever this person is trying to do-" I cut Nya off.

" Don't jinx us Nya." I joke, everyone laughing along. ' At least I lifted the mood a bit.'

Everyone starts to head to their usual things, Y/n getting trained by me today. I head over to her and place my hand on her shoulder. " You ready to train today, or do you wanna skip today?" I ask, hoping she's not uncomfortable or anything.

" Nah, I feel like training anyway." Y/n smiles as she takes my hand and leads us to the training area.

" Woah, woah. I can walk on my own ya know." I chuckle as she keeps pulling me down the hallways. I let her be, trying to keep up with the fast pace. Y/n finally let's go as we reach the area and prepares her battle stance.

" I want you to teach me how to do the energy ball."


Welcome back to another chapter with one of your inconsistent authors. Please by all means be mad :) but I am trying to get out s couple more as you are reading this ( hopefully ). I hope you all are well, and I'll ttyl


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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