Shattered in pieces

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I will resign from my post.

Those simple words had struck each of the students from Class B that visited the other class in their lunch break.

Just why?

Not a single person in the crowd, who were on their way back to their own classroom, have yet fully recovered from the unexpected announcement coming from a certain someone.

The group usually carries a bright and proud atmosphere around themselves, but as of the moment, heavy depressing and gloomy emotions are clearly drawn in their faces.

Even the girl, who is one of the main centers of attention, has some feelings of regret about the cause of her split-second decision.

Still, she keeps forcing herself into thinking that her decision is right.

I'm also a maiden.

I have the right, the same as everyone else, to fall in love.

However, because of how this school is structured. Romantic relationships won't easily bloom due to the class boundaries. And a conflict will sometimes emerge if those circumstances have somehow overturned. That is the dilemma I'm currently in.

Then after thinking thoroughly about the hard situation Ichinose is in. She had gotten herself an answer.

I-If I will no longer hold the responsibility of being the class leader, then I guess my classmates will be worried no more, whether I can fulfill my role or not.

She clearly understood that most of her classmates' worries are about sentimental stuff. Ichinose is no blind. However, getting back on their knees and graduating as Class A students, the class's main goal, is more important than her own personal life.

Not to mention that, Ichinose had begun to doubt her leadership lately as the class just recently lost and haven't got any overwhelming victory for the past few months.

Kanzaki-kun or maybe someone from the class, will be a more suitable leader than I am.

Thump … thump …. Thump ….

As the group together with their homeroom teacher are already close to arriving at their own classroom, a deafening silence wraps around them. Meanwhile the conflict in another class, Class C, has no chance of subsiding, as they continue barking at the sole person which is the class main target.


“This is all your fault, Ayanokouji.” Ike gave me an intense glare while wiping the side of his face where Shibata's fist landed earlier.

I didn't blame you or anyone did I?

I was thinking of responding to him, but didn't, since it's a waste of time dealing with this type of people.

Getting my back off from the side of the blackboard, I then stood straight and turned my gaze to the open door, completely ignoring the furious Ike and several classmates.

Chabashira-sensei who noticed my line of sight raised a brow and then announced something to everyone present.

“The afternoon class will start in 15 minutes from now, so settle down and avoid unnecessary conflict with anyone!” she looked at me, implying the last sentence to me.

Most of the students inside then went back to each of their respective seats, silently, still for all the things that happened, there are still those that won't listen and are persistent.

“Sae-chan-sensei, won't Ayanokouji receive any kind of punishment or even a good scolding?” asked Ike, still glaring at me.

For what?

Classroom Of The Elite: Traitor [ (COMPLETED) (BOOK 1) ]Where stories live. Discover now