Class Poll

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It was finally the first day of March, a few days after the end-of-term exam.

Just about a few minutes earlier, Chabashira-sensei announced that everyone had managed to pass every subject there is, meaning no one had failed the exam that will be subjected to expulsion.

Ike and Yamauchi had started making jokes with each other and most of the students were pretty relieved that it was such a case.

Horikita's perseverance in study sessions has been a great help to those that were struggling in their academics, making them improve in their weaknesses as well as raise the class overall average.

The class unity has quite improved, aside from Koenji, which was considered as a special case. Well this so-called unity is only on the surface, beneath it is the unknown grudges of a person whether it's a personal issue or got poisoned by someone.

I learned this dark truth during my last negotiation with Kushida.

In order to divert the attention of Ichinose's rumours, I made a deal with Kushida to share some of the other students' secrets in exchange for private points. After that, I ordered Kiriyama to post it on the web, then all orders were set.

Friends smiled with each other in front but were holding a knife behind.

They talked casually like they wholeheartedly trusted one another, but without a shadow of doubt, they've already done the act of backstabbing them once, twice or even more than I can imagine.

After all, there's no such thing as a pure and kind person in this world. Everyone has done some misdeeds in their past.

That also includes me…

My train of thoughts was interrupted when the person who sat next to me, called me out.


Turning my head sideways, I found Horikita, who wears an exasperated expression.

“What?” I asked her.

Since she already had my attention, Horikita returned to her usual strict looks.

“I've been calling you several times now, why are you being absent-minded, that's usually rare for you? Or you're just acting like you didn't hear me to avoid some troublesome things?” She pushed the topic, wanting to know the truth.

Well I can also ask the same things to her. She already understands my personality that if I'm not willing to do or share information, there's no use pushing it further.

I can live my life as exactly as I want.

I can even say that I'm a bit similar to Koenji in some ways, it's just that the person mentioned has complete freedom in doing whatever things he wants, without the fear of losing something in exchange.

Being ostracized by the majority of the class doesn't concern him one bit, instead it only boosts his ego.

A perfect example of a narcissist.

While I'm still shackled by my past, it's inevitable for me to work behind the scenes just to protect my goal in living a normal life.

I'd already dealt with Chabashira-sensei's threat, utterly destroyed Ryuenn's crusade in finding x and somehow lessened Kushida from targeting me. But fate is far too cruel, just after I managed to decrease the enemies that are after my head, another batch but stronger then emerged. The undisputed facts that I'm the primary reason for Ichinose to get back on her feet, means that I'd answered Sakayanagi's challenge and earned another unnecessary attention from the newly elected Student Council President, Nagumo.

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