Before Ansgar could even react, Luana hit him in the side of his head with her crystalized fist, leaving him dazed as he tried to recover. She began to hit him in the head over and over again until he eventually passed out. She then sprinted to where the coordinates nest was, according to Mehr, before she was stopped as her right hand was cleanly cut off provoking her to release a cry in pain as she looked for who caused this pain. All she saw was a blur of red before her other hand was also cut off, she frantically looked, scared of who or what could be that fast. She searched around till she saw a human with a red scarf and jet black hair perched against the tree. That's not scared her though. It was the fact that the girl looked as if she was radiating an aura of hate and with a stare that could kill anyone on the spot, directed straight at Luana. Luana had to admit, she was a bit scared of said human herself. Suddenly, the human dove again. Seeing that the girl had lost control and was heading for her nape, Luana smirked. At the last possible second, she hardened the skin on her nape, effectively breaking the human's blades.

Unbeknownst to Mikasa, the female titan's hands had already healed.

Luana smirked again as she realized she had another opening 'It must be my lucky day' she thought as she took the opening. She grabbed the human's wires and flung her into a tree, rendering her immobile as she made her way into the den. Even though she knew about it she was surprised to see that green eyes was actually pregnant. She figured that Mehr had lied to them to get them to cancel the mission but seeing THE coordinate sleeping soundly, heavily pregnant, she had to admit, she was a bit shocked. Shaking off the shock, realizing she didn't have much time left, she carefully picked up the coordinate bridal style and shimmed her way through the barn doors. When she got out she turned to run in the direction they came from when, all of a sudden, she heard a scream full of anguish behind her. Shocked, Luana turned around and locked eyes with the human she had thrown in the trees. The girl was staring at her in fear and anger. Luana noticed the other humans take note of her and began to fly towards her with the intent to kill. She cursed under her breath before she clanked her teeth, giving Mehr the signal that they were leaving, before she turned and ran, lighting her body as much as she could to go as fast as possible. She looked behind her and noticed the humans were no longer following her. She smirked as she and Mehr made their way back to the wall to escape.

(Pov swap)

"Let me go you bastard" It had only been a minute since the two titans left with Rouge and Mikasa was livid. Why wouldn't they let her chase down that bitch that stole Rouge? Why did they stop their pursuit when they could have easily caught up to her? Thoughts ran through her mind as she was struggling in the binds they put her in so she didn't try to run off and save Rouge by herself.

"It will be best if we wait until Ansgar wakes up and we form a plan," Erwin said, Levi nodding in agreement.

"You know that when Ansgar wakes up, he not going to listen to us. He won't care what we have to say, he'll just run off to save Rouge and his pups" Hange informed Levi as he sighed

"I know but our numbers are too low to go right now. Too many people were injured to go today"

Just as Levi finished his sentence, Ansgar awoke with a start, sitting straight up. He was confused. 'Why am I outside? Why am I not in the barn with Rouge?' Suddenly, his memory cleared up, his eyes widened in concern and fear. 'Where's Rouge? Did they take him?' Looking around at all the sad faces, Ansgar concluded that Rouge, indeed, had been taken. Anger and malicious intent replaced fear. As he stood up a menacing, glowing, yellow replaced his normal soft baby yellow eyes. His teeth parted as he released a roar filled with anger and anguish that shook the earth to its core before he took off full speed in the direction his ex-friends came from, relishing in the fact that he would tear them apart when he saw them.

(Pov swap)

Mehr and Luana were running back to the wall thinking they were in the clear. That was, until, they heard the earth trembling roar produced by Ansgar, chilling them to the bone. They knew that if they were caught, they would most definitely be ripped apart piece by piece by Ansgar's own hands so they sped up their pace to max speed. Know that they only had a bit of time until the coordinate woke up, they were worried. They decided that if they wanted a smaller chance of Ansgar to catch them, they were going to have to scale the wall instead of having Goliath kick it in. As far as Luana knew, Ansgar wasn't the best climber so that should give them some extra time. If Luana wasn't as strong or a good climber as she was, she would never be able to climb the wall while holding the pregnant coordinate. Luana and Mehr reached the wall and began to climb at a slow pace. As they were doing so, they heard the thunderous footsteps of Ansgar. When they got to the top of the wall, they looked over and froze in fear. There, standing at the bottom of the wall, was Ansgar. He looked livid; ready to sink his teeth into the titans that stole his mate and pup/pups. His eyes glowing a menacing yellow as his nails began to sharpen and he got ready to climb. Instantly, Mehr and Luana bolted to where Goliath was. Hoping he was not asleep or dead. They called out for him and only a few seconds later he popped his head out of the foliage looking scared shitless, probably after hearing Ansgar's roar. In the background, they could hear Ansgar struggle to climb the wall but he was slowly making his way up. "So the coordinate really is pregnant," Goliath said, stunned that what Mehr had said was true. And by judging off of Ansgar's screeches and roars, the coordinate definitely was carrying Ansgar's pup/pups.

"Yes, wow, big shock now let's go before he catches us," Luana spoke frantically, scared for her life. Goliath quickly lifted his palm and the two jumped aboard. As soon as they were secured, Goliath began running away from the walls. As he looked behind him, he saw Ansgar standing atop the wall staring him down with a murderous gaze, steam leaking from his teeth. Ansgar then released another roar before descending the wall after his mate and soon-to-be prey.

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