Chapter 4

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(Pov swap)

As the two enemy titans began their trek to capture the coordinate, Ansgar, Rouge, and his little ones were sleeping peacefully, all having good dreams. That was until Ansgar awoke with a jerk, having been elbowed in the stomach by something that shortly after released a whine in pain. Having recognized it instantly as Rouge's whine, he fully sat up, now wide awake and worried, to check what was wrong with Rouge. Seeing Rouge cradling his stomach with his free hand, his other supporting his little ones who, surprisingly, had not woken up, wincing, and at some points whining out in pain, provoked Ansgar to release a whine of his own in concern. Ansgar gently removed Rouge's hand from his stomach to check on his pup/pups. Putting his own hand on Rouge's stomach, he could feel the hard kicking coming from the pup/pups inside and sighed. Ansgar really wished that he could take away Rouge's pain but he couldn't. All he could do was try to help relieve the pain by gently rubbing Rouge's stomach and scratching behind his ears. It only eased Rouge a little bit but it still worked nonetheless. Right then and there, Ansgar decided that he was going to stay awake the rest of the night, or until the pup/pups stopped kicking so hard, to comfort his mate

Time skip - 30 minutes

Ansgar had been comforting his mate for 30 minutes now but Rouge's pain was not letting up. Ansgar had since moved Mikasa and Armin next to rouge so they wouldn't wake up. It broke Ansgar's heart to see his mate in such pain and agony. The only thing he could do was comfort Rouge through his pain. As he released another sigh in sympathy for his mate, Ansgar heard a quiet thumping. Thinking it was just an impending storm, he went back to comforting his mate. The humans didn't mention it was going to rain but they weren't always right. Hearing the noise again, just louder, he, again, just figured it was the storm getting closer and he continued helping his mate. Suddenly the thumpings got even louder before they just stopped completely. Now suspicious of the sound, he reluctantly left his spot by his mate and went to the peak. What he saw left him horrified. There, standing in the middle of the clearing between the castle and barn, was Luana with Mehr on her shoulder. Ansgars stood there, terrified but also filled with anger. How dare they come this close to his pregnant mate. He was going to make them pay. Ansgar released a loud growl, startling the two titans, and waking up the rest of the scouts.

Mikasa and Armin woke with a start, first looking at Rouge then at Ansgar as they froze. They had never seen Ansgar this rilled up or angry. Knowing that it had to be something bad, Mikasa and Armin rushed to put their gear on before running into Hange's spare room in the barn to wake her up, somehow she had not woken up from Angar's growl. They shook Hange awake and just as she began to wake up, Ansgar released another growl, this one louder and angrier as they heard the squeak of the barn door being pushed open. Having already put their gear on in a panic, Mikasa and Armin ran out followed by a confused but frantic Hange. When they had gotten to the edge of the barn they stood there, terrified. In the middle of the field was Ansgar, in a fighting position, snarling at the other titans. That's not what shocked them though. What shocked them was that one of the titans in front of them had a definable female physique. They stood there in shock as Ansgar suddenly charged forward, swinging at the female titan

Ansgar remembered all the moves that Levi taught him and he was finally putting them to good use (I'm not good at writing fighting scenes so... time skip, sorry)

(Timeskip-1 hour)

The battle was dragged on as both sides became tired. Luana had focused primarily on fighting Ansgar while Mehr dealt with the humans. By now, most of the scouts were injured, only a few dead and a select few still flying around. Luana was patiently waiting for an opening, know it would pop up sooner or later. Not too long after, Rouge released a small whine in pain, thus distracting Ansgar and causing his stance to weaken, thus, creating the opening Luana was looking for.

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