Chapter 5

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Rouge awoke confused. 'What is this rumbling noise I'm hearing and feeling? Where am I? This doesn't feel like the barn. Where's Ansgar?' Suddenly, his shot open before looking around and realizing he was on the shoulder of the colossal titan.

'Why am I here? How am I here? Where are Ansgar and the rest of the scouts?' Rouge thought as he turned his gaze to the female-looking titan to his left. Not taking time to examine her further, Rouge quietly growled as he went to move his legs to stand up but nothing happened. He looked down and realized that his arms and legs had been cut off right below the knee and elbow, the rest of his limb was restrained by thick cables the titans must have stolen.

In any normal circumstance, he would have healed in only a minute but with his body trying to support him and his pup/pups, it took a lot longer for him to heal. Rouge quickly looked to his stomach to check on his pup/pups when he felt a small kick, letting him know his pup/pups were still okay and causing him to release a breath of steam in relief. Rouge then growled again, louder, startling the three other titans causing them to quickly turn their heads to look at them. His face pulled into a snarl as he glared at his kidnappers, wondering why they had exactly kidnapped him in the first place.

Meanwhile, Ansgar was running for the titan nappers, slowly gaining ground on him. He didn't notice the some of the scouts landed on his shoulder but if he did, he wouldn't have minded. After all, all he cared about was getting his defenseless mate back. Suddenly a titan horde, most likely gathered by the female titan, was quickly approaching Ansgar from the front, wanting to eat the humans on his shoulders. Ansgar gritted his teeth harder as the titan horde came barreling into him, slowing him down and taking him further from his mate. He knew that when his ex-friends made it to the ocean, they would be impossible to catch with how fast Goliath could swim,

Back with Rouge again, as he watched Ansgar get hit with the horde of titans, he cried out quietly, still weak from his body healing. He suddenly whipped his head to the other 3 titans, snarling again at them.

Luana quickly realized that if they didn't knock him out now, he would send the titan horde over to them and they did not want to fight after their exhausting night. She stood up quickly and faced Rouge and started to walk towards him, as he proceeded to let out a warning growl, telling her to back off, but she ignored him and continued her brisk walk to him. He growled again, this time louder, as he stood up, his legs fully healed but his arms were still nubs.

She knew that if she didn't get to him in time, he would use his power and probably kill them. Mehr and Goliath looked at her in worry when, all of a sudden she lunged at Rouge, successfully knocking him off his feet and almost off of Goliath's shoulder.

Rouge growled and yelped at her attempting to pry her off but nothing was working.

Hearing his cry, Ansgar looked up at them, seeing Rouge struggling, making him growl before he let out a loud booming roar, signaling the female titan to back off or else.

Luana ignored the warning and proceeded to try to knock the coordinate out but he was struggling too much for her to hit him. Finally, she got fed up with him. 'Screw what Mehr said about being gentle, I'm done messing around' she thought angrily. All sudden she pulled her arm back and hit it straight into Rouge's stomach. Everything stopped as Rouge whined out in pain and fear for his pup/pups as he curled into a fetal position.

Ansgar and the scouts were stunned. Suddenly Ansgar, growled as steam came from every pore on his body before he released a growl so menacing and dripping with anger, that it sent even the mindless titans around him running in fear, Mikasa and, surprisedly, Armin were almost the same, staring at the female titan in murderous intent. Ansgar charged full speed at the colossal titan with Mikasa and Armin on his shoulders, ready to cut the giant beast down. When they were close enough, Armin and Mikasa both shot their cables on opposite calves of the colossal titan before going in and slicing the achilles tendon, successfully taking down the colossal beast. Just before he began to fall, he incased his three titan passengers to ensure their safety, before he slammed into the ground. When he opened his hands, Ansgar immediately ran over to the female titan, hitting her in the jaw, while Mikasa and Armin ran over to check on Rouge, Mehr just standing next to a knocked-out Goliath, confused on whose side to take.

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