Chapter 2

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(Pov swap) A few days earlier.

It was a beautiful day out. Titan parents with pups, roaming around or teaching them things. Or they were just relaxing. One female skinless titan sat by the ocean's edge watching as the waves rolled onto the beach bringing in little things from the ocean unaware of the familiar scent that swept through her nose or the thundering footsteps heading towards until...


"Ugh what do you want Goliath" She replied in annoyance as she stabled herself after almost being knocked down as Goliath dropped to his knees to talk to her easier.

"It's about Ansgar. It's been a month since he left. He was supposed to come back within a week! And now I'm worried for him. What if he was captured? What if he never comes back? WHAT IF HE'S DEAD" Goliath spoke, getting more and more worried as he continued to question about his best friend's whereabouts until Luana stood up, Goliath not even glancing at her as he began to ponder more, went over to Goliath and slapped him, successfully knocking the gentle giant out of his trance. "Thanks, Luana but .... Why do you have to hit so hard" Goliath said with tears pricking his eyes. Luana scoffed and started to walk away thus making Goliath follow her and question where she was going. "If it'll make you stop whining like a baby, then I am going to ask Ezekiel to let us go out to find Ansgar and, hopefully, the coordinate too" she replied, completely straight face as if she wasn't scared of the beast titan at all.

Goliath, gawking at her, was barely able to spit out what he was going to say without whimpering, "T-talk to him are you crazy Luana. We can't just waltz our way up to him and ask him to let us go to paradise by ourselves. There is a 90% chance he kill us on the spot!

"Oh shut up you big baby and just come with me," Luana practically growled as Goliath fearfully followed her, hoping he would live to see another day.

When they got to the cavern where Ezekiel was, Luana had to admit, she was a little scared herself, but she would not show any weakness. Goliath, on the other hand, was trembling so much that she thought the cavern would collapse from so much movement. When they got to Ezekiel, they bowed and quickly rose as Ezekiel spoke "Why do you think you two low lifers could come into my presence without me asking for you" He boomed loudly as the female titan in front of him began to tremble slightly but her expression not changing unlike the titan next to her that looked like he was about to piss himself.

" Our friend, Ansgar, the one you sent on the mission to receive the coordinate, has not returned and we were wondering if we could go to paradise and find him ourselves," Luana spoke with a straight face and tone but deep down she was terrified of the titan that could kill them with just a simple motion of his hand.

The beast titan stared them down for several seconds before he began to speak again "Ha, be my guest. Go get yourself killed on that island while retrieving your 'friend'. You two are useless anyways"

Shocked but taking the answer as a yes, Luana and Goliath both bowed and thanked him before leaving the cove. When they got outside they both let out signs of relief that they were not killed or punished as they began to think up a plan. " From what we know from your knowledge is that on the island, there are three walls that the humans cower behind. With the coordinate within the human walls, it is going to be much harder to get him and Ansgar" Luana spoke as she tried to come up with a plan. "You and Ansgar took out two of the walls, right?" Luana asked Goliath, remembering that when Goliath and Ansgar first came back they told her the full story, right?

"Well actually, that's not exactly true," Goliath said as he rubbed his neck sheepishly rubbed his neck, or rather his nape.

"What do you mean," Luana asked, suspicious of what he was hiding

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